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Headphones with Ryedale

PostPosted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 3:01 pm
by NHsorter
Right now I use the squishy little orange ear plugs when I run my Ryedale. When no one else is home, I have a stereo that I crank up and I can hear it good enough through the ear plugs. Most of the time, someone else is home so if I blast the stereo like that, they don't appreciate it :D

I tried using headphones, but the ones I have stink.

Does anyone have experience with headphone use with a Ryedale? I was thinking of busting the budget and getting some of the Bose noise cancelling headphones. Has anyone else tried this. Interested in how it worked out for ya. I would have to dish out 2 bennies for a set of these and find out that they are no match for the sorter.

Re: Headphones with Ryedale

PostPosted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 3:06 pm
by natsb88
I use these at the dirt races. I like to listen to the track crew over the scanner, and I don't like to expose myself to the engine noise since I'm there weekly (and at the machine shop daily, and at the shooting range from time to time...figure I'll be deaf by the time I'm 30 if I don't take some reasonable precautions). It's basically like the foam earplugs, but with headphones built in, and they're cheap enough that I don't mind going through a pair every race season :lol: ... B00081A2DQ

Re: Headphones with Ryedale

PostPosted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 3:52 pm
by NHsorter
Thanks Nate! I think I'll give those a try. Heck, for under $10 it's worth a shot for sure. They look like they could be a little uncomfortable though. How does that work out for you?

Re: Headphones with Ryedale

PostPosted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 4:35 pm
by natsb88
No worse than the foam earplugs IMO. Same type of deal, compress the foam a little bit, stick them in, and hold them for a couple seconds until the foam expands again. The wire is pretty thin, but I usually get a full race season out of a pair before the audio in one side or the other starts to break up. I often use them on the tractor too, so they are occasionally subjected to getting ripped out by a tree branch :lol:

Re: Headphones with Ryedale

PostPosted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 4:54 pm
by chris6084
When using the ryedale, I just use the old style headphones that cover my whole ear. They are not noise cancelling, but they do block the noise a bit

Re: Headphones with Ryedale

PostPosted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 6:29 pm
by NDFarmer
I use the headphones that I use when I go to Nascar races. I can hook them up to the TV or radio or what ever I want to listen to. When I get all three Ryedales going it is quite loud. When my wife come down into the basement and sees that she just shakes her head. :lol:

Re: Headphones with Ryedale

PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 5:11 pm
by MUTiger
I have attached a few posts about keeping a Ryedale quiet and my stories about the Bose QC15 headphones. I got a set for Christmas last year and hesitated opening them since they are pretty pricey. I finally opened them and used them with the Ryedale. Most times I just use them with no audio input and they make it much quieter. Sometimes I put an audio input of my favorite podcasts or music and that works great as well.
As a side note, they work great when you are on an airplane at the very back of the plane next to the engines. I know from experience. :lol:


Re: Headphones with Ryedale

PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 6:10 pm
by HoardCopperByTheTon
Santa was nice enough to bring me a set of Dr Dre beats mixr headphones (I been good) I suppose I could wear those when running the Ryedales. :mrgreen:

Re: Headphones with Ryedale

PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 7:09 pm
by ZenOps
What, you haven't encased your Ryedale in a copper brick fortress sound chamber already?

I use $25 bricks of pennies to block the sides of my 575-watt subwoofer so that the sound only goes to where I want it to.

Works well.

Re: Headphones with Ryedale

PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 9:21 am
by NHsorter
Thanks for the links mutiger. I think I might give them a try. Shopping craigslist now for a deal. Hopefully someone got some for Christmas and they don't want them. If I can get a good enough deal, I can try them out and if I don't think they are worth it, still get my money back. If I can't find a smoking deal, I am going to pick up the ones that Nate recommended.

Re: Headphones with Ryedale

PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 9:30 am
by rexmerdinus
Noise cancelling headphones are really nice, up to a point. I used to work in a job where I took a lot of long international flights. After a several hours of wearing them, my ears just felt sore and tired internally. I found a webpage that explained that the acoustic noise cancellation works by pumping white noise and sub- and super-sonic sound waves "upstream" in a way that cancels out the waveforms of the incoming ambient sounds. The end result is that everything seems quiet, but your ear drums still feel the effect of being physically buffetted by sound waves that you can't hear. I'm over-simplifying--it was way more techie than that, and I'm not sure I fully understood it to begin with, but there you go. For a couple of hours around loud noise, they're awesome.