Just moved to a new place on the outside of town,so I have not sorted anything in about a month. Moving the pennies was the biggest pain in the butt. Five gallon bucket is what I had acumulated since starting in June, this is now broke down into $100fv boxes thanks to the post office. I found that cutting 1/2 inch carpet pad for the bottom and top of the box
makes for an exact fit when taping up the box.
Ordered the new Frankensorter, and have been drewling over using it for a month, finally set up and wow I love this little machine. I have sorted ten boxes and have not had a problem yet, yesterday 3 boxes, started sorting at 5:32pm done at 6.57pm my owne little speed test to see how it went. The ten boxes produced $78.18cu .80cents wheats $1.78 candian cu for a .3230% recovery ratio, Plus the bonus of one silver loop earing the exact size of a penny. Just good to be back in the game.