I've accumulated around $100 FV of copper cents that I'd like to liquidate... if I can get a good price.
Recent eBay action has copper cents averaging 1.74 cents each (in 5,000 coin lots). After fees, I figure the net at 1.52 cents per coin.
I'd like to sell somewhere in this range; can I get that on this forum? I realize that the vast majority of people here, if they're interested in copper, are also sorting for their own accounts. But at a melt of 2.7 cents, this range is still attractive, no?
Also, what's the standard lot size here? 7,500 coins in a well-packed medium flat rate? Can 10,000 coins fit into a large flat rate?
Sorry for all the basic questions--it's been awhile since I've sold copper, and I'm desperate to avoid feebay!
BTW- perhaps this forum could develop a "spot" market for standardized lots of copper cents? I.e. a page where people buyers can enter bids and sellers can enter asks on a standardized lot (e.g. 7,500 coins or 68 lbs or what have you) and the software (or a moderator/ market-maker!) can match buyers and sellers and post updated spot prices? Food for thought.