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Shipping Post office Questions

PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 11:24 am
by TXBullion
Ok, had to send off a few hundred pounds ad ran into some obstacles and would like some input for future reference.

Ok, first off, are you guys doing physical drop offs or scheduling pick ups. On this one, I went in to the PO because I needed postage for something else. They told me they cant take them. There was a slightly wide gap in the center because I think i missed a slight trim spot on the Penny Pauper post in shipping so it caused a "gap" which they claimed I was stuffing in too much stuff. I can resolve that for the future.

The next concern was the entire box was taped. I was told I disfigured the box and now the tape is needed to hold it together. They said I could only use a couple pieces of tape. I told them if they permit 70 pounds in one of these, a few pieces of tape will not hold it.

I explained I get boxes that look like this one all the time :lol: I told him it was OK

They also asked whats inside and i stated collectibles. He kept asking and I finally said (coins). I think your not allowed to send $$ in these so I reluctant to say. Do I have to tell him? I didnt want to be suspicious and say collectibles for a 4th time.

Needless to say, after 10 minutes, and speaking with the whole staff, they took my very securely packed boxes :D

Ok, Im ready to hear the tricks of the trade of what to do "after" your box is packed :D

Re: Shipping Post office Questions

PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 11:34 am
by chris6084
I think there is a policy on flat rate boxes about changing the shape, so I could see them commenting on the gap. I have never heard of any policy about a couple of peices of tape. That was just a picky cashier who thinks they know everything. I have shipped many boxes completely covered in tape, and have not had any issues. As far as $$, you are allowed to ship cash, coin, or bullion, however, the insurance does not cover these.

Re: Shipping Post office Questions

PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 12:11 pm
by slickeast
Make sure the flaps touch. I have left a small gap before and took a risk. They took the box.

As far as tape goes, I had to print out something from the USPS website about tape. They said I couldn't tape small flat rate boxes. The printout from their website stated otherwise.

Re: Shipping Post office Questions

PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 12:37 pm
by Dave
I shipped 6 boxes before Xmas and every box was completely covered in shipping tape, which the guy said was a good idea. I was asked what was in them and told them it was pennies and they said nothing. In the future I would tell them it's full of machine parts. Sounds like you had a lazy PO worker.

Re: Shipping Post office Questions

PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 12:39 pm
by Corsair
You definitely can use tape. I've read what Slick's talking about, I just don't know exactly where's it located.

And whenever I ship something heavy and they are persistent with the questions, I usually say "copper bullion." That shuts them up.

Re: Shipping Post office Questions

PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 1:01 pm
by TheJonasCollegeFund
This is so funny....anyone here who has gotten a package from me knows....I LOVE TAPE...instead of
"more cowbell"...I use more tape. And, each time, I get praise and not questions from the clerks at the post office. They ask all of the official questions and don't get too nosy. I just smile and tell them I just sold my rock collection. And each time since, they ask me if I found more rocks. The funniest thing was the time I told them about being rocks...the clerk just told me she figured I was shipping pennies. I said really??? That must be alot of pennies! Also, again, after weighing my boxes...they ALWAYS tell me...good job with the tape!

Re: Shipping Post office Questions

PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 1:39 pm
by aloneibreak
like others have already said - it depends entirely on the PO branch you go to

it seems like different policies at every place

i use 2 or three different ones depending on what im mailing... :D

Re: Shipping Post office Questions

PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 2:04 pm
by highroller4321
They really told you you couldn't use tape? HAHAHA I would have asked them if they were going to hold the box together all its way to its destination.

Pick up or drop off? If I have less than 5 boxes I normally just have the regular mail man pick them up when they drop the mail off. If I have more than 5 than the post office has learned to send a special truck that can handle the weight :)

If you are "disfguring" the box than you need to adjust the way you are putting the coin in the box. What I do is tape the box together all the way around and than put the coin inside (I also put the coin in a specail bag before I put them in the box). This should prevent the box from getting damaged or weaked from boldging. Also there shouldn't be a gap at the top. You should be able to squeeze the box together with one hand and tape with the other ;)

You honestly don't have to answer them when they ask. Just tell them its not perishable,fragile,liquid, or hazerdous (the things you are required to tell them( and you should be good to go. Otherwise just tell them its collectibles. NEVER NEVER NEVER tell them its coin. More likely to get stolen that way.....and if you think the post office doesn't still packages....think again!!

Re: Shipping Post office Questions

PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 6:12 pm
by chirules54
I had the same issue with being told they weren't supposed to accept coins, but when I told him they were old coins for collectors he seemed to not care as much. I've been back several times and dealt with the same employee and he hasn't said a word.

Re: Shipping Post office Questions

PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 8:11 pm
by NDFarmer
What about their catch phrase in their advertising " IF IT FITS IT SHIPS"? I don't think there is any problem with shipping coins.

Re: Shipping Post office Questions

PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 8:24 pm
by TXBullion
OK, went to a different PO and was welcomed with opened arms and I fixed the gap issue. Thanks for everyones input

Re: Shipping Post office Questions

PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:13 pm
by cesariojpn
The only requirements i've seen is that you cannot use the boxes for other forms of postage (i.e. using a flat rate box to mail a parcel-post rate package by covering it.) Otherwise, I dunno.

Re: Shipping Post office Questions

PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:28 am
by HoardCopperByTheTon
I never ship pennies.. it's always copper discs.. for jewelry making. Of course they always call them pennies at my post office when they are coming in or going out.

I think I know the origin of the no tape thing he tried to pull on you. Years ago.. back in the days before flat rate boxes even existed.. we used to ship bags of wheat cents in 2 of those flat rate envelopes.. about 17 pounds each. Of course we used lots of tape to reinforce them. They used to call me Mr. 320 at several local post offices. There was a memo that was issued from several regional post offices declaring that tape could not be used to reinforce those flat rate envelopes. I think the most they would allow was a small strip on the flap.. and even then it depended on the post office. We had to start making interior sleeves for the flat rate envelopes and could only ship about 20 rolls at a time or so. Before the tape ban I actually set the record for a flat rate envelope.. I sent an entire mint sewn bag of 1968-S cents in one. I figured if anyone could get it in there it was me. That was really pressing the envelope. The buyer in Indiana said "It got here.. but the packaging was blown to smithereens! You might want to use more tape next time"

When the flat rate boxes came out I figured they must have designed them just for me. Packaging has never been so easy! :mrgreen:

Re: Shipping Post office Questions

PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:31 am
by Joogaler
I have the gap problem with the last boxes I ordered. The bottom closes perfect, but the top still has a gap even if it's empty! They must not have many quality control standards with the medium flat rate's. I completely cover mine in tape, and print the shipping labels myself. So when I get there I usually set it on the counter, tell them it's REALLY HEAVY, then say I already have a label on it, and walk out. A lady the other day asked why I use two labels (one on top, and one on the side) And I explained to her that they were the same label, and it's just a back up in case one gets messed up. She looked at me like it was ridiculous to do two labels! I don't know about you guys, but I want my packages to arrive at their destination!

Re: Shipping Post office Questions

PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:59 am
by HoardCopperByTheTon
I agree with you about the 2 labels. I actually print a seperate address label that goes on the box before the tape is applied. The regular shipping label goes on top of this. They actually did manage to rip off the entire shipping label one time, so it is good to have a backup. Also, it never hurts to put extra labels inside or packing lists. :mrgreen:

Re: Shipping Post office Questions

PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:11 am
by Lemon Thrower
i think the phrase is 'pushing the envelope,' but it was a good pun nonetheless

Re: Shipping Post office Questions

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 12:48 pm
by JJM
The gaps seem to get worse every time new boxes are put out. I've taken to wrapping the middle of the box with either strapping tape or duct tape (both ways - but going length-wise covers the gap) - then I put the label (printed at home) over this as well - it does a nice job of hiding the gap.

It's OK to send money in these within the U.S., the warning on the box is for INTL shipments.

The USPS supplied Priority Mail Tyvex envelopes work great for holding the coin inside the box. I double bag four bags of 17 lbs each. Have sent several dozen boxes down range w/ no breakage yet, knock on wood. Two $50 coinlock bags fit better, but I hate buying the danged things, and I don't have enough Canvas bags so I just use the ones the USPS provides.

I secretly hope it leads them to their demise a little faster...... Cue evil laughter........ MOOHAHAHAHAHA................

Re: Shipping Post office Questions

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 1:25 pm
by henrysmedford
Just laugh this happened to us.
Hassled by the Post Office over sending 51¢ to Canada
by henrysmedford » Mon Sep 19, 2011 6:13 pm

Franklin has been trading coins with a member in Quebec. Today, we were sending an Oregon state quarter, a Mt. Hood quarter and a 1932D penny. We took our package to the counter and I stated that I wished to mail it First Class. The last time we sent coins, they made us fill out a customs form. This time was the same, but when she saw "coins" printed on the form she abruptly stated, "Coins! You can't send coins. It is against regulations." She then proceeded to search for the regulation upon her computer screen. I told her that it work the last three times and the package arrived without a problem. Meanwhile, Franklin was becoming more anxious as the time went by. The clerk was aware of Franklin's uniqueness. She never found the regulation upon her screen and declared that she would "let it go" this time. At that point, she took my envelope and suddenly, without notice, alarm bells sounded! She commanded, "You must exit the building immediately." Quickly, we were herded out of the building and they locked us out. Mind you, I had not yet paid the postage for my "against regulation" package. There we were. Waiting. No one said if or when we would be let back into the post office. However, after about 5 minutes, the alarms quit sounding and I was entertained by the stream of people, who were not there when this had all started, arriving afterward trying to enter. When the post office patrons would pull on the handle of the locked door, I joked, "Didn't you hear? The Post Office ran out of money and locked the doors!" Finally, after about 20 minutes the doors were again unlocked and we finished our business. Apparently, all the ruckus was about a machine in the back that began smoking a bit. I should add that Mondays are a day off for me from work, so fortunately, I was not rushed but rather entertained.

Re: Shipping Post office Questions

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 6:57 pm
by AGgressive Metal
I just try to be discreet and I've never had any issues - best of luck to you!