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Penny sources other than Banks, and Credit Unions
Wed Jan 12, 2011 2:14 pm
by Joogaler
I'm trying to rack my brain to figure out another source for pennies. My bank doesn't exactly enjoy me ordering $800 in pennies a week, so I'm curious as to if there are any other sources for getting my hands on pennies to sort?
Re: Penny sources other than Banks, and Credit Unions
Wed Jan 12, 2011 2:24 pm
by Corsair
Craigslist is worth a shot. Keep your eyes open for any school, church, or charity penny drives. Print up some business cards and set them out at local establishments. But your best shot will always be the bank. I hope that can work out for you.
Re: Penny sources other than Banks, and Credit Unions
Wed Jan 12, 2011 2:41 pm
by tinhorn
I'm not being a smart-aleck, but are there any other banks available to you? After going for over a year without a bank account, I opened a couple new no-fee accounts. The conversation with the teller went something like this: "I don't have an account here, but can you sell me a bunch of pennies?" "You should open an account here!" "Do you have a zero-fee account? I'd seldom use it." "Sure!" (Insert playful demeanor here.) "If I open an account, will you sell me all the pennies I want?"
One of the darned few advantages to moving to an over-populated region of the country is that I pass maybe a dozen banks on the way home from work. Maybe two banks at $400 each will be more peaceful. Or three banks at $300. You get the idea.
I see some guys advertising on craigslist to buy pennies, but I don't know how many potential sellers read the Wanted section of craigslist.
At one of the middle schools I substitute at, they've started a competition between classes to bring the most coins into school. I don't know the details, but if you have an "in" at a local middle or high school, you could set up a similar competition with proceeds going to the school. Naturally, you'd have to sort the coins.
I used to see guys set up signs reading "Mushroom Buyer" in the corner of store parking lots. Even now I see a sign at a gas station advertising a can buyer every Saturday morning. Do you have a friend with a business suitable to posting such a sign on your behalf, or even buying pennies for you? I'm thinking pawn shop or antique store.
Good luck on your search.
Re: Penny sources other than Banks, and Credit Unions
Wed Jan 12, 2011 4:46 pm
by Joogaler
Thanks for the replies, I was just curious as to if anyone has scored some serious coin from unusual sources. I could open a few more accounts if need be.
Re: Penny sources other than Banks, and Credit Unions
Wed Jan 12, 2011 7:34 pm
by jasmatk
build a wishing well in front of your house sign reads "pennies only please":lol:
Re: Penny sources other than Banks, and Credit Unions
Wed Jan 12, 2011 9:46 pm
by bman
buy a few of these and see if you could place them in some schools or churches and give them a cut of the profit.
Re: Penny sources other than Banks, and Credit Unions
Wed Jan 12, 2011 10:22 pm
by traderchowder
I've got a small pond in my yard and was considering throwing a handful of zincs in there to coax visitors or neighbor children into tossing coinage in lol.
Re: Penny sources other than Banks, and Credit Unions
Thu Jan 13, 2011 12:56 am
by Joogaler
Two grand for the two and three footers! They must be made of gold... I should ask MarketHarmony what the melt value of this puppy is!
traderchowder wrote:I've got a small pond in my yard and was considering throwing a handful of zincs in there to coax visitors or neighbor children into tossing coinage in lol.
That might be a bad idea, the kids might try to swim down and take them rather than throwing more in.