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condensing the hoard.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 8:41 pm
by capthowdymp
I have a few ctu of shiny coppers. I was thinking of somehow selling and trading it for some mercury dimes . Is this a bad idea? would a shiny ctu be worth more? I also have almost $50 in 98% canadian pennies. not really sure what to do I have been thinking of selling the canadian once I saved up $50 worth. not sure what to keep and what to sell. I have read on here about people condensing hoards into silver.

never play stinky pinky when you are by yourself.

Re: condensing the hoard.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 11:05 am
by galenrog
In the end please do what you think best for you.

In my situation space is at a premium. Should I find myself with so much copper that there is no longer room to stack more I would certainly liquidate some of the copper in favor of silver. The only other factors: quantity of copper to liquidate and what form(s) of silver to acquire.


Re: condensing the hoard.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 12:40 pm
by baggerman
For me space is a premium and so recently I sold 10 CTUs for $1400 and am slowly converting that to silver.

Re: condensing the hoard.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 12:13 am
by Zincanator
A shiny CTU might be worth a little more if sorted by year and rolled, according to FeeBay auction history. Even better if displayed in those see-thru plastic rolls.

I typically sell some copper boxes right before the coin show comes to town. Then use the cash to buy up some silver without any wait or fees. Plus I can often talk them down a couple more bucks if buying a bunch. I enjoy pulling a chair up to the dealer's table and picking the nicest coins I can find in their bulk silver coin bins. I'm nerdy like that. And of course there are some pretty wicked deals in the classifieds here. But if you snooze, you lose, I've learned.

Re: condensing the hoard.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 4:49 pm
by capthowdymp
I will just keep stacking.

Re: condensing the hoard.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 7:56 pm
by theo
Zincanator wrote:A shiny CTU might be worth a little more if sorted by year and rolled, according to FeeBay auction history. Even better if displayed in those see-thru plastic rolls.

I typically sell some copper boxes right before the coin show comes to town. Then use the cash to buy up some silver without any wait or fees. Plus I can often talk them down a couple more bucks if buying a bunch. I enjoy pulling a chair up to the dealer's table and picking the nicest coins I can find in their bulk silver coin bins. I'm nerdy like that. And of course there are some pretty wicked deals in the classifieds here. But if you snooze, you lose, I've learned.

How do you typically sell your CTUs? Craig's list? I've been slowly converting my copper hoard from loose to clear plastic rolls and I have a couple rolled CTUs available for sale. It would nice to raise some cash without too much of a hassle.

Re: condensing the hoard.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 1:34 am
by Zincanator
theo for unsorted bulk copper I typically sell on Craig's or to local folks I've met who are interested in the same hobby. I'm not a heavy volume Ryedale shop, just sorting as a pleasant distraction from the daily grind. So I'm not talking huge sales numbers.

For sorted rolls of interest (like 2009s, shinys, 40-58 wheats, s-mint mark, foreign), I usually go FleeceBay. Hate the greedy fees, hate that buyer can return for 30 days without cause, hate that my credit card will be charged the sale amount if I refuse such returns, hate that my 100% feedback is constantly vulnerable to undeserved negs. But sometimes even with all that, you can get some crazy last minute bidding wars if you research completed auctions and market your listing well (and honestly of course). You just have to find a way to be more interesting than all the BS "unsearched roll" and "estate sale find" auctions out there.