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Determining a boxes copper content by weight

PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 7:38 pm
by TwoPenniesEarned
Hello gents,

I've seen some posts before on the idea of weighing boxes of coins to determine how much copper is in them. I currently don't own an accurate scale, so I can't perform this test myself....but does anyone know the combined weight of a box of zincs, complete with wrappers etc? By my estimation, if you know this weight, you can determine pretty much down to the cent how much copper is in a given box by taking the weight difference between the box with copper in it, subtracting the weight of a box full of wrapped zinc, and dividing the remainder by (<average copper cent weight> - <average zinc cent weight>).

Has anyone tried this?

Re: Determining a boxes copper content by weight

PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 8:22 pm
by beauanderos
We talked about this on the old site

Re: Determining a boxes copper content by weight

PostPosted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 9:50 pm
by bman
I think a full box of zinc is around 14LBS and a full box of copper is more like 17LBS but it isn't an exact science. I've had rolls of 2010-P Shield cents that came from the same box that weighed almost a gram more/less then the next. I think it depends on how many wraps of paper are on each roll.