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lowest selling rate

PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 10:45 am
by bgretz1989
alright if you have the ability to sell to a guy that is local what would be the lowest price you would take? no shipping or fees would be included in this.

Re: lowest selling rate

PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 1:04 pm
by corky569
If I could sell all that I had guaranteed? I would probably go as low as 1.5. But then again at $200.00 a day guaranteed, I could quit my day job. If I could sort 1000.00 fv value a day for five days a week AND sell it? I would take 1.5. Without a guarantee though, I'll continue to sell to the highest bidder. I also hand sort right now. I have to pay my bank account back another 150.00 and then I'm buying a ryedale. Then who knows.