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I did it, got 67 bucks of unsearched rolls

PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 8:27 pm
Was buying Nickels, then got turned on to copper. Was buying copper pennies, but the ebay prices are too high. Not paying 2 cents for a penny.

So went to my bank and asked for customer rolled pennies, they had 67 bucks worth.

Found a bunch of wheat pennies. I'm averaging about 8-10 coppers per roll.

My Gf is a teacher and she is always buying books from amazon, so we are going to get coupons at the coinstar for the zincs. :D

Re: I did it, got 67 bucks of unsearched rolls

PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 9:20 pm
by AdamsSamoa
Good plan.... and I hope you enjoy it...relaxes me.

Re: I did it, got 67 bucks of unsearched rolls

PostPosted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 1:06 am
by Red King
VWBEAMER wrote:My Gf is a teacher and she is always buying books from amazon, so we are going to get coupons at the coinstar for the zincs. :D

Hey, then you can turn around and claim tax deductions off those books! The gift that keeps on giving!

Re: I did it, got 67 bucks of unsearched rolls

PostPosted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 7:47 am
by bman
then after she is done with the books you can donate them to the library and get another tax deduction.

Re: I did it, got 67 bucks of unsearched rolls

PostPosted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 7:50 pm
by HoardCopperByTheTon
If she is a teacher.. ask if her school ever has a penny drive. Could be a great source of coins if you are a nice guy and cash them out for them. :mrgreen:

Re: I did it, got 67 bucks of unsearched rolls

PostPosted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 8:11 pm
by tinhorn
VWBEAMER wrote:Not paying 2 cents for a penny.


VWBEAMER wrote:...we are going to get coupons at the coinstar for the zincs. :D

Check their website. I was able to score a $10 Lowes card FREE for cashing in $40 worth of pennies. Perfect for tightwads.

Re: I did it, got 67 bucks of unsearched rolls

PostPosted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 9:46 pm
by bman
You use the word Tightwad like that's a BAD thing :lol: I am the president of the Tightwads of America!

Re: I did it, got 67 bucks of unsearched rolls

PostPosted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 10:02 pm
by tinhorn
Hahahaha! I was cashing a check today at the bank it was drawn on. The teller was very nicely but persistently trying to convince me to open an account. One of her reasons was that it had "been proven" that people who carried cash instead of using debit cards or checks, spent more. I told her I was too much a tightwad for that to be a factor. She still sold me two boxes of pennies.