5000 Copper Pennies For Sale

Forum for discussing any topic related to investing in, collecting and saving US, Canadian, UK, and other Copper Bullion Pennies for their metal content.

5000 Copper Pennies For Sale

Postby coolcoinz2017 » Mon Nov 09, 2015 8:42 pm

I apologize upfront if I am posting this in the wrong spot, but I have 5000 copper pennies I would like to sell I am asking $75.00 if we meet up, or $85 if I ship them to you. I have removed any wheats and any S mints. I have not checked any of the coins for errors as it takes too long for me, since my eyes aren't what they use to be. Let me know if you think my asking price is reasonable.
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Re: 5000 Copper Pennies For Sale

Postby fasteddy » Tue Nov 10, 2015 9:28 am

Welcome to the madness.....where are the cents located?
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Re: 5000 Copper Pennies For Sale

Postby highroller4321 » Tue Nov 10, 2015 12:33 pm


Welcome to the site. We have rules about selling items on here that must be followed. You need a minimum of 10 posts before posting something for sale and you also must post in the right area. Please go over to member introduction and introduce yourself.

I am now locking this thread.
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