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Many Reasons To Sort/Save Copper Pennies

PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 10:29 pm
by Stuff Giant
This seemed to be a popular post on the old board. I cleaned it up a little.

I thought I could contribute to the board by posting the many reasons I save/sort pennies. I am not a huge sorter but I enjoy the hobby very much. I am thankful to have this board to go to on a regular basis.

Here are the reasons:

Saving/Sorting pennies is a fun long term hobby/investment.

It is a hobby you can do in your spare time, any time of the day.

It is a hobby you can participate at any level you want. (Big or small)

Freedom! (No social security number is attached to them)

A low cost/risk way to hedge against potential inflation or deflation
Inflation Protection - If we get long term high inflation, the price of copper should increase making the copper value of the pennies worth more.
Deflation Protection - If we get serious long term deflation, the value of the face value should go up. (Purchasing power)

You will never lose money on your investment if you accumulate at face value.

They are 30 – 100 years old

They are a pain to spend so you won’t cash them in. (except for in a true emergency)

Numismatic finds.

They are liquid.
(Copper pennies can be traded and sold now at ebay, realcent, coppercave and APMEX)

They are already assayed by a recognizable reliable source. (Free)

They are a true storage of value.
(If you never need to use them you can pass them on to your friends/family)

They can be liquidated in large or small increments as needed.
(As opposed to a large chunk and taxable transaction like real-estate)

It takes a lot of energy, labor and equipment to mine copper. (These costs will likely go up)

Copper is essential in our power grid. (Our power grid does and WILL need to be updated)

Many feel that there is just not enough copper to meet the worlds growth needs in the future.
(Consider China’s and India’s future needs alone)

Copper has ALWAYS been money.

When the copper pennies are all gone from circulation, where will you buy copper with no risk?

Sorting and searching can be fun and even therapeutic.

Having hundreds or thousands of dollars worth of copper pennies can help you feel more secure.

Gresham’s Law.

Survival reasons. Trade or currency WTSHTF

They can be a fun conversation item with friends

The most important reason to save copper pennies…
Grandma always told you to save your pennies!

Please feel free to add any reasons I have missed.

Re: Many Reasons To Sort/Save Copper Pennies

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 12:51 am
by PennyPauper
All great reasons. I would add.It gives you a "crazy" or "out there" persona which allows you to keep friends and family at a distance,who will ignore and find reasons not to listen to reason,thus giving you the peace you deserve :)

Re: Many Reasons To Sort/Save Copper Pennies

PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 5:26 am
by Joogaler
PennyPauper wrote:All great reasons. I would add.It gives you a "crazy" or "out there" persona which allows you to keep friends and family at a distance,who will ignore and find reasons not to listen to reason,thus giving you the peace you deserve :)


Re: Many Reasons To Sort/Save Copper Pennies

PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 9:39 am
by Corsair
This needs to be delivered to everyone in the country, along with those annoying ads for pizza and instant-win car contests.

Re: Many Reasons To Sort/Save Copper Pennies

PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 2:09 pm
No it doesn't. Why compete with sheep?

Re: Many Reasons To Sort/Save Copper Pennies

PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 11:10 pm
by Hawkeye
All great reasons- thanks for the list. I'm a small time sorter and I do it mostly to relax and because if I'm betting on either FRNs or PMs/copper, I will take the PMs and copper all day long. In fact, I'd probably even take zinc over FRNs. :roll:

Re: Many Reasons To Sort/Save Copper Pennies

PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 11:55 am
by copper cane
Keeps you from being called "senile". Instead I'm the old lady that plays with pennies. You got to admit that's better!LOL

Re: Many Reasons To Sort/Save Copper Pennies

PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 8:37 am
by Stuff Giant
Those are both great reasons as well! :lol:

Re: Many Reasons To Sort/Save Copper Pennies

PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 10:15 pm
by twentybux
Nice list Stuff Giant and welcome to the forum!

Re: Many Reasons To Sort/Save Copper Pennies

PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 7:44 am
by Stuff Giant
I really enjoy coming to the forum and reading what everyone has to say on here. I dont post much but when I do I will try to make it worth reading. Thanks for the kind words.

Re: Many Reasons To Sort/Save Copper Pennies

PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 2:12 am
by Numis Pam
+ 1 Older thread, but some great newbie or reminder information.....

Re: Many Reasons To Sort/Save Copper Pennies

PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 5:10 am
by 68Camaro
Thanks for pulling an old thread back up. If there is a single major shortcoming of the RC organization, for me it is the difficulty in finding old threads with important information in them.