First $50 run today

Forum for discussing any topic related to investing in, collecting and saving US, Canadian, UK, and other Copper Bullion Pennies for their metal content.

First $50 run today

Postby Richard » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:16 am

Now that I have a Ryedale Sniper, I made my first run at automated sorting. I picked up a couple of boxes of $25 from my bank and got to work. This is what I managed:

US Copper (including wheat): $11.11 (face)
US Wheats: $0.17 (face - no unusual ones)
Canadian Copper: $0.13 (face)

Total copper: 1124 coins for a total of 22.5%. Not bad. The number of wheats I pulled was actually better than what I had been getting previously (maybe one in every $10).

I've got to run to the bank again this morning, so I'll pick up another $50 and see what I can find this weekend.

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Re: First $50 run today

Postby fasteddy » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:48 am

Welcome to the madness Richard,

your % is abit above avr, wheats about avr and the canucks above avr but your in Fl, explains that. How long does it take you to run $50 of cents through the sniper? Are you saving or plan on selling your cents? next you will be looking for the thread that talks about two wheel dollies and carts to move a dozen boxes....8-)
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Re: First $50 run today

Postby Richard » Sun Feb 20, 2011 9:09 pm

Hi Fasteddy -

I was already wishing for some canvas sacks...once I get those, I'm gettin me a dolly!

I'm planning on keeping all of the copper I find. I think about my grandfather who started saving silver half dollars in 1965 (not dimes or quarters). He would just pick up a few now and then figuring that someday they would be worth "something." I wish he would have saved more then, and so I will do the same now. Maybe someday when my grandkids have my coppers they will be worth "something". ;)

Continue shooting until your sight picture is degraded by a lack of target.
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Location: Spring Hill, FL

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