Something funny happened

Forum for discussing any topic related to investing in, collecting and saving US, Canadian, UK, and other Copper Bullion Pennies for their metal content.

Something funny happened

Postby dakota1955 » Wed Apr 20, 2016 4:44 pm

Last night when I got home I had a message on my phone answering machine from a local bank when once in a while I dump. The bank called and asked if I have any pennies that I could bring in. For some reason then needed pennies. I have stopped doing pennies like most because I feel at this time they are not worth spending time on. I called back and said that maybe by the end of the week I got have some and they said bring them in when I get some. Looks like I going tomorrow a get some to sort because I have a bank that wants them. The last time a bank want pennies for me was in the last 60's and they were paying $1.15 per dollar back then.
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Re: Something funny happened

Postby Chief » Wed Apr 20, 2016 4:47 pm

That's awesome! :lol:
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Re: Something funny happened

Postby Recyclersteve » Wed Apr 20, 2016 5:34 pm

And now some people have a hard time getting $1.15 per dollar of COPPER pennies. My how times change!
Former stock broker w/ ~20 yrs. at one company. Spoke with 100k+ people and traded a lot (long, short, options, margin, extended hours, etc.).

NOTE: ANY stocks I discuss, no matter how compelling, carry risk- often
substantial. If not prepared to buy it multiple times in modest amounts without going overboard (assuming nothing really wrong with the company), you need to learn more about the market and managing risk. Also, please research covered calls (options) and selling short as well.
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Re: Something funny happened

Postby dakota1955 » Wed Apr 20, 2016 9:08 pm

Back then all the pennies were copper.
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Re: Something funny happened

Postby Recyclersteve » Sun Apr 24, 2016 2:15 am

dakota1955 wrote:Back then all the pennies were copper.

But that would be like paying $1.15 per 100 zinc pennies now. The reason they were doing this was almost certainly due to the coin shortage back then.
Former stock broker w/ ~20 yrs. at one company. Spoke with 100k+ people and traded a lot (long, short, options, margin, extended hours, etc.).

NOTE: ANY stocks I discuss, no matter how compelling, carry risk- often
substantial. If not prepared to buy it multiple times in modest amounts without going overboard (assuming nothing really wrong with the company), you need to learn more about the market and managing risk. Also, please research covered calls (options) and selling short as well.
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