setting them free. :-(

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setting them free. :-(

Postby jrf30 » Sun Apr 24, 2016 2:00 am

well, after posting on Craig's List for a few MONTHS, I finally gave up. No one here wanted them, no trucks driving down and across the country loading up, and I was down to asking only 1.1X face value for my copper pennies. Now I give up.

I sold maybe $200 worth from my ads. I got $220 for that. "Whoopie" Not enough to take the trip or confirm the amount. So I have started dumping.

Just dumped $75 (Approx) in 4 different machines this week. That's $300 face. I'll do that once or twice a week for the next few months, until they are all gone. I wouldn't do it if I was staying here, but I'm moving, and the weight would make the move more expensive. Just not worth the cost to keep them. So I'm looking at putting about $5,500 (550,000 cents) into the wild over the next few months. Anyone in Phoenix who hunts - grab some boxes starting now. Maybe you'll get lucky. :-)
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Re: setting them free. :-(

Postby wolvesdad » Sun Apr 24, 2016 2:53 am

Yeah, i've moved $500-$600 face three times, but not a fourth!!! I can't imagine $5000.

Did you post here? Highroller is the one, i think, that could possibly buy your whole hoard and move it for you. At face or up to 15%!? I have no idea what bulk rate is these days!!
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Re: setting them free. :-(

Postby 68Camaro » Sun Apr 24, 2016 6:45 am

Totally understand but it's tragic at the same time. As I've reported elsewhere I have been reducing my hoard, but I'm not completely all of them like you.

I started with about 4800 face and being rather picky I pulled out all the clean coin xf and better, which is only about 25% of it. I'm left with about 1200 face in rebagged premium coin in $50 bags, which I will never get rid of (less an emergency). Almost done, I'm down to the last 150 of original coin. In the process I have also pulled out quite a few wheats that had escaped the first time as well as a few other interesting coins.

Just a thought but maybe you could at least pull out all the AU and better ones to save a few.
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Re: setting them free. :-(

Postby scyther » Sun Apr 24, 2016 10:53 am

Depressing. I have about $700-$800 (all handsorted!) that I'd love to sell, but it seems the time for that is gone. I tell myself that even if I let it go, I still gained some knowledge, had some fun, and got some wheat pennies and a partial Lincoln set in a Dansco album... but that doesn't seem like enough. I want to make a profit! I guess I'll just keep them...

F the melt ban.
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Re: setting them free. :-(

Postby knibloe » Sun Apr 24, 2016 11:52 am

jrf30 wrote:well, after posting on Craig's List for a few MONTHS, I finally gave up. No one here wanted them, no trucks driving down and across the country loading up, and I was down to asking only 1.1X face value for my copper pennies. Now I give up.

I sold maybe $200 worth from my ads. I got $220 for that. "Whoopie" Not enough to take the trip or confirm the amount. So I have started dumping.

Just dumped $75 (Approx) in 4 different machines this week. That's $300 face. I'll do that once or twice a week for the next few months, until they are all gone. I wouldn't do it if I was staying here, but I'm moving, and the weight would make the move more expensive. Just not worth the cost to keep them. So I'm looking at putting about $5,500 (550,000 cents) into the wild over the next few months. Anyone in Phoenix who hunts - grab some boxes starting now. Maybe you'll get lucky. :-)

Did you post here? If you did, did you put the price in the thread description? I am not looking at buying cents, so I would not open a thread about them. However, at 1.1X in the title, I might have and I assume that others might have as well. As far as 1.1x not being worth it to confirm the count, sell them by the pound. That should be accurate enough. Good luck.

I still sort. I have probably 3K sorted and another 1K sitting to be sorted at some time in the distant future. I recently started weighing the bags. I have to decide at what weight it is not worth keeping them. I am fortunate enough not to need the money and hope for a long term play with them.
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Re: setting them free. :-(

Postby wolvesdad » Sun Apr 24, 2016 12:34 pm

I in no way want to encourage illegal activity, but has anyone heard of anyone selling to scrap yards successfully? Is it even profitable at current copper prices? Do you do better than break even?
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Re: setting them free. :-(

Postby wolvesdad » Sun Apr 24, 2016 12:54 pm

I just read up all of your postings JRF, and I see that you have tried on here and did contact highroller, very sorry for your situation! It really is a tragedy. I'm assuming you get a lot of pleasure out of sorting, otherwise if I was you, I would not start up the hobby again once I got settled.
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Re: setting them free. :-(

Postby jrf30 » Sun Apr 24, 2016 4:06 pm

yes I tried the normal folks here too. Just didn't work. And yes, I'll probably do some sorting once I get settled again. Just can't move them to the new spot.
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Re: setting them free. :-(

Postby hobo finds » Sun Apr 24, 2016 5:40 pm

This is why copper will still be found in the wild! Sucks you had to dump them though! Were these machine sorted or hand sorted? I feel if they were hand sorted not as big a loss as buying a machine to sort and get rich!
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