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Just ran my 1st batch with my new Ryedale :)

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 3:43 am
Hey all...well, I just ran my 1st batch of pennies with my new Ryedale tonight. :) Man...what an experience. I am definitely hooked! Why did I wait so long to get one??? Sigh. It was so much fun, that I stayed up and did a second batch. I love that sound....plink, plink, plink, plink, plink. :) In preparation, I picked up $80.00 in CWRs in the last two days, plus three $25.00 boxes too.

So here's what I did....first, I ran just 15 pennies that I had already hand-sorted, along with 5 zincs; everything went good, except one 1964 copper penny got rejected for some reason. After playing with the potentiometer a bit, I re-ran it and the machine promptly accepted the questionable 1964 penny. I actually like to sort for any perfect shiny looking ones (2009/2010, 60s BU)), so I did spend some time pulling out the shiny ones from the $15 worth of CWRs. Ran the batch through and got just over 20%, along with 3 common Wheats and two 98% CDN pennies. The CDN pennies actually got accepted with the copper 1981 coin in the comparitor. Not sure why, but that's OK. Then I re-ran the coppers and only 1 or 2 (out of 750) were rejected the second time. Not bad. Then I ran the zinc through just for the heck of it and it only found 1. I also ran a small bag's worth of hand-sorted copper and it found three in there too; my eyes must have been off that day.

It was so much fun, that I did $25 more in we're talking volume! Man, that Ryedale just hums along nicely, doesn't it? It did 2500 pennies ($25) in 10 minutes (250/minute). Oh yeah! (23% & 2 98% CDN, but no Wheats). I will sort the completed coppers for S-Mint Memorials and additional BUs at another time. Truthfully, I still like handsorting now and then.

I can see now why some of the big boys out there have multiple machines. :) (Hint: Hoard/Market). Anyway, that's enough for tonight; I've got enough to keep me busy for at least the next day or two anyway.

Thanks for listening! By the way, I'm open to your ideas for improving my speed/efficiency. For the CWR rolls, I knife the top of them so that they can be quickly poured out of the wrapper. Not sure if this will work for the plastic shrink-wrapped rolls, though. Maybe I'll try them tomorrow.

Re: Just ran my 1st batch with my new Ryedale :)

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 6:55 am
by tbram88
I just got an apprentice the other day and I can't describe the feeling, I went through 8 boxes so fast I forgot to time it.
I read some posts about the wheats getting rejected with the zincs, mine did not do that. All the wheat and Cu Canadians were in the copper pile. I did re-run the coppers a second time, and found a few that bounced into the wrong container.

My hat is off to Andy for a great machine.

By the third box I developed a new system and laid out all 50 rolls of a box on the table and cut them all with a utility knife (box cutter) then turned on the machine and tried to keep up. By the last roll the hopper was full and I just watched it go.

Now I don't know what to do with all this extra time, I guess I better get some more boxes.


Re: Just ran my 1st batch with my new Ryedale :)

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 8:04 am
by slickeast
Once you get your 1st Ryedale, you wish you would have bought it sooner. $500 might seem like a lot, but once you start running one, the price doesn't seem to matter anymore. The resale value is very good. You can get around $400 for a used one.

You can travel 3000 miles any way you want. Question is do you want to walk, drive or fly?

Re: Just ran my 1st batch with my new Ryedale :)

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 12:18 pm
Good point, slickeast. I prefer to FLY. :)

Tbram....if I wasn't pulling new shiny coins first (for inspection later), then I agree with the knife method and dumping straight into a box or the Ryedale. Plastic-wrapped rolls are so unfriendly! So far, I have only done CWRs in the brown wrappers and usually knife those, pour five rolls at a time, and pull the shiny ones, then dump into a big box; I dump into the Ryedale after I'm all done with the rolls. I haven't decided if I even want to pull the clean/shiny ones from the plastic rolls...I'm looking for ways to improve the amount of time I spend on this.

Re: Just ran my 1st batch with my new Ryedale :)

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 12:21 pm
I was so paranoid about missing the wheats, that I did a quick browse of my zincolns. Then for all the coppers, I put them on the table and flip them to the Memorial side. Does anyone else do this?

Re: Just ran my 1st batch with my new Ryedale :)

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 1:00 pm
by Kurr
I usually double machine run them then sit down and handsort the copper to remove forign, wheats etc, and look for obvious errors.

I pick up a comfortable amount in the left hand from the "Mixed" box, enough to cover the hand outstretched flat with out "stacking", then put my hands together and flip to the right to see the other side, then dump in the "clean copper" bucket.

Congratz on the new machine, you got the disease now!! Good luck keepin her fed!

Re: Just ran my 1st batch with my new Ryedale :)

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 1:01 pm
by tinhorn
HPMBTT wrote:Plastic-wrapped rolls are so unfriendly!

One of my early boxes was Brinks plastic-wrapped. I read the instructions, though, and they're pretty fast to unload. Ya get a grip on the roll, then smoosh one end with your thumb to squeeze out the coins. Then the rest of them follow.

Re: Just ran my 1st batch with my new Ryedale :)

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 1:29 pm
by tinhorn
HPMBTT wrote:I was so paranoid about missing the wheats, that I did a quick browse of my zincolns. Then for all the coppers, I put them on the table and flip them to the Memorial side. Does anyone else do this?

Dude, that takes forever. I know--I used to do it that way! Now I have a small mirror under a piece of transparent plastic (to be replaced with glass), about an inch and a half apart. As I slide them over the mirror I can see the backs without flipping them over. I don't know WHAT I'm gonna do when I get sophisticated enough to use an automatic feeder.

(Sorry for the crummy pic.)

Re: Just ran my 1st batch with my new Ryedale :)

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 1:37 pm
by tbram88
I do the double run and then hand check the coppers, the only thing I want to do with the zincs is get them out of my house as fast as possible.

I'm going to start depositing the zincs in coinloc bags soon but my bank has a four day turn around on them and I usually need to recover the loot faster to buy more boxes. I am trying to add more FRN's to the project, if I could stop buying silver.

Sorry I had to slap myself for that last sentence I won't stop, but need to make the most of limited cash until I get back to work.


Re: Just ran my 1st batch with my new Ryedale :)

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 1:49 pm
Tinhorn. What an interesting idea! So how do I do that? Just buy an empty plastic clear box of some kind (ie Reallyuseful boxes?) and then put a mirror on the bottom? I guess I would do that, instead of spreading them out on the table. With this much coin, I'm taking up a lot of the table by laying them all out and checking them manually (sigh).

Re: Just ran my 1st batch with my new Ryedale :)

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 4:22 pm
by ScottyTX
I picked up a very neat Idea from TxTim. We use 1/4" plywood or what ever is handy and hinged it on one side. I can manage about 100-150 coins at a time on one side of the plywood quickly scan for wheats and then close the other side over the top. Flip and rescan the other side. The trick is getting a nice flat hinge and getting the gap just right to where the pennies are secured when you flip it. With a little adjustment it works very well for me.

I too just ran my first batch of through the ryedale just a few days ago, I still have a few things to set up to make it run effeciently but boy that 125.00 went fast now I'm out of pennies again :)

Re: Just ran my 1st batch with my new Ryedale :)

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 4:30 pm
by TXBullion
ScottyTX wrote:I picked up a very neat Idea from TxTim. We use 1/4" plywood or what ever is handy and hinged it on one side. I can manage about 100-150 coins at a time on one side of the plywood quickly scan for wheats and then close the other side over the top. Flip and rescan the other side. The trick is getting a nice flat hinge and getting the gap just right to where the pennies are secured when you flip it. With a little adjustment it works very well for me.

I too just ran my first batch of through the ryedale just a few days ago, I still have a few things to set up to make it run effeciently but boy that 125.00 went fast now I'm out of pennies again :)

I was marveled when I saw the beauty and simplicity of TXTims flipper. In addition to the roll cutting device, he operates very efficiently :mrgreen:

Re: Just ran my 1st batch with my new Ryedale :)

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 5:56 pm
by toomuchcopper
Can someone post the link to txtim flipper...I missed it

Re: Just ran my 1st batch with my new Ryedale :)

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 5:58 pm
by inflationhawk
LOL and I was going to ask for link, picture or description of txtim's roll cutting device!!

Re: Just ran my 1st batch with my new Ryedale :)

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 6:19 pm
by ScottyTX
He may chime in a share a bit, but we both stopped by his penny processing center at different times. I believe he uses a pvc pipe the length of 3-5 rolls? It has a slit cut down length wise and a stand/stopper at one end. Slide 3-4 rolls in, use a razor knife or whatever works best and slice the rolls. Dump and repeat.

Re: Just ran my 1st batch with my new Ryedale :)

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 6:35 pm
by tinhorn
HPMBTT wrote:Tinhorn. What an interesting idea! So how do I do that? Just buy an empty plastic clear box of some kind (ie Reallyuseful boxes?) and then put a mirror on the bottom? I guess I would do that, instead of spreading them out on the table. With this much coin, I'm taking up a lot of the table by laying them all out and checking them manually (sigh).

I used plastic because I found a "box picture frame" cheap, and I wasn't sure the idea would work. What you really want is a piece of glass because the plastic scuffs pretty easily.

Re: Just ran my 1st batch with my new Ryedale :)

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 7:26 pm
I'm not sure about that roll-cutting device. Sure, it can quickly open five rolls, but what if a whole roll are BUs and you end up slicing the coins with the razor/cutter?

Re: Just ran my 1st batch with my new Ryedale :)

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 8:44 pm
by JadeDragon
Ryedales Rock! You will never get it to tell the difference between 95% Cu and 98% Cu as they are too similar. That is what your eyes are for.