Consider this page here, which I discovered thanks to another member, ClarkCent (not sure if he's still here?) to the data, a little over 300B cents were ever minted (Lincolns, Wheaties, IH)
Having once researched mintages + added them myself, I can certainly concur with the accuracy of the 300B estimate.
Now, how many of those are coppper? About 20% nationwide, or 40B cents...and that number is falling every day.
As of 1982, when all cents were CU, there were 150B ever minted. So 110B, or about 74% have been collected/destroyed/lost/ no longer circulating.
Only 26% remain.
Now, of those 40B left, what is our current rate of extraction?
Well, let me point out that another member, Larkin, began a survey of how many each of us realcenters is pulling per month.
From the 1st post to today, Feb 28; 27 members responded, totaling $4,750.00 per month, or 475,000 cents per month, or averaging about 17,500 per realcenter.
Now, how many realcenters are on this forum? over 600.
Using these averages, I think it safe to say that at least (17,500 * 600) 10,500,000 cents are pulled every month.
In addition, there is no telling how many other hoarders are not on realcent- so that number is inevitably far higher; especially with the idea spreading like wildfire in these times (just check out the volume of sales on the bay...), plus the increasing use of Ryedales, comparitors, etc.
Again, these are very conservative figues.