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Ugly U.S. versus Canadian coppers- which is more common?
Sun Mar 12, 2017 12:38 pm
by Recyclersteve
One thing about Canadian copper pennies vs. U.S. (where I live) copper pennies that has always puzzled me... it seems like the U.S. coins are much more likely to be ugly, corroded, have tar or some foreign substance on them. And, of course, there are the fountain coins (pennies anyway) which become really ugly in a hurry. Is this just commentary about how people in the U.S. don't take care of things as well as elsewhere, or is there some other reason?
To point to the notion that people in the U.S. don't care as much, I'd imagine there is far more graffiti on fences and buildings per capita in the U.S. than in Canada. A friend of mine from Japan says there is no contest when comparing us with Japan- there is very little graffiti in Japan compared to what we have here.
Any thoughts on this?
Re: Ugly U.S. versus Canadian coppers- which is more common?
Tue Mar 14, 2017 6:11 pm
by AGgressive Metal
Canada requires coin to be rolled for deposit, so mutilated probably doesn't stay in circulation very long. The processor would have to pull it in order to not mess up their machines.
Re: Ugly U.S. versus Canadian coppers- which is more common?
Fri Mar 17, 2017 12:20 pm
by willy13
I have not noticed that with respect to the coppers.
Re: Ugly U.S. versus Canadian coppers- which is more common?
Fri Mar 17, 2017 3:33 pm
by johnbrickner
I've never kept track % wise regarding the uglies but, being strict with it I find yuck on both types. Only thing is, since they aren't making the CA ones any more I tend to be less strict with those and more so with the U.S. ones.
Re: Ugly U.S. versus Canadian coppers- which is more common?
Sun Mar 19, 2017 8:56 am
by AuStruck
US pennies may be more prone to have detritus but are to my eye a more appealing coin than the Canadian penny.
The later years Canadian pennies have a lightly stricken monarch (Queen Elizabeth), seems to me.
Older copper US pennies if in moderate condition often have good eye appeal even if not of the highest grade. (Zincs of around '88,'89 or so seem quite often poorly formed. Mint apathy? There are some with a sintered appearance. Any value for those? The later zincs don't have the eye appeal of the early coppers seems to me.)
As far as Queen Elizabeth on coins I would have thought an idealized queen, perhaps based on the younger years would be a better choice. (Controversy.) I have to admit I have passed on Canadian and British and other coins due to the queen representation.
Back to Canadian pennies: Less eye appeal for moderns-less likely for collectors except maybe for very high grade. Might make those relatively more valued for any collectors. Just my thoughts-I don't really know. (Somewhat off topic.) (Low detritus-better for the Ryedale.)