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CU makes another donation to help increase the hoard!

PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 4:45 am
by HoardCopperByTheTon
Well, the CU where I occasionally dump a few pennies and nickels (when I can get there while they are open) told me Wednesday as I walked in with 4 bags of lunch money to run through the CoinStar that I might want to wait until Friday to dump it since they are having a Customer Appreciation Day and they are running one of those contests where the person that dumps the most dollar value in the Coinstar that day will win a prize of $75 deposited to their account. I told them that I wouldn't be able to make it on Friday because I have to work.. and I figured I only had a little over $300 in pennies and nickels anyway.. not enough to be competitive. I keep trying to get them to make these contests based on the number of coins rather than the dollar value.. but they never do this.. a real disadvantage to those of us that dump a lot of pennies.

So this morning I am thinking if I leave work a little early and catch the traffic patterns right I might be able to swing by the CU and at least make a small deposit and hope nobody else has a decent stash of coins. So I stop by one of my branches near work at lunchtime and pick up 48 loose baby dollars and 1 $1000 box of Presidential dollars. They had been complaining that these were taking up too much space in their vault and they wanted to get rid of them. I am always happy to help them out where I can.

I park in the parking lot at the CU and quickly unroll the dollars and drop them in a canvas coin bag. So I go in and run these and a bunch of dollars I had in my pocket to get in the running with a starting deposit of a little over a grand. I withdraw a thousand and go across town to pick up my weekly box of Brinks halves.. then stop by one of my other banks and grab $400 in quarters and $35 in dimes. I do a high speed sort and then haul the 2 bags of coins into the CU to run through the CoinStar. Another thousand plus.. putting me at $2,069 and change for the day. As I was depositing the second batch the manager came over and said "If I didn't know better, I would think you are trying to win" I almost feel as if I were cheating.. but hey, they make the rules.. I am just competitive. It's like taking money from a banking institution. I believe the word "landslide" was used when referring to today's victory. Sure it's nice to get a prize equivalent of 3 boxes of pennies.. but it is the winning that is the thing. Of course I made a deal tonight with another local member to buy some of his copper with today's winnings so he can add to his silver hoard.

I wonder if they are going to remove my amateur status and no longer allow me to compete if I keep winning these things. :mrgreen:

Re: CU makes another donation to help increase the hoard!

PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 5:03 am
by NickelExpress
You should go talk to Redbull about getting a sponsorship. Extreme coin sorting on TSN?

Re: CU makes another donation to help increase the hoard!

PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 8:04 am
by 68Camaro
We Americans are always capable of taking anything to an extreme... ;)

Re: CU makes another donation to help increase the hoard!

PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 3:55 pm
by pennypicker
That's some serious strategy going on there...well thought out! 8-)

Re: CU makes another donation to help increase the hoard!

PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 5:15 pm
Nice strategy there, Hoard. :) I laughed when I read your story, as I figured that you were gonna go all out and win this thing. I have the same mentality and I would have done the same thing, to be honest. Great job and you better win. :)

Yes, I agree that it should be the person with the MOST coins, not the largest dollar amount. If a person hauls in pennies, then to me, it shows that the person really worked very hard to begin with, plus hauled more weight, and thus, should win the contest. :)

Re: CU makes another donation to help increase the hoard!

PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 11:31 pm
by PennyPauper
That is way too funny.Great story.I could picture the frenzied sorting action in the parking lot.
I wish one of my banks would run this contest.I'd be there at opening and fill it with zinc.Contest over.
All I get is rolling eyes and nasty looks when I show up to dump coin at my CU.

Re: CU makes another donation to help increase the hoard!

PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 12:00 pm
by misteroman
Nice of you to help them with their contest!