Found a 1972 Double Die DDO-1
Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 9:09 am
Found a rare one Whoo! Whoo!
Searched $102 in CWRs and low and behold this was there...Boy was I excited (still am). It was 5 AM and I was doing a search yielding an extremely large amount of Cu (turned out to be 86.4% for a total of 8813 Cu out of 10200). ... 1285249574 ... 1285249574
Searched $102 in CWRs and low and behold this was there...Boy was I excited (still am). It was 5 AM and I was doing a search yielding an extremely large amount of Cu (turned out to be 86.4% for a total of 8813 Cu out of 10200). ... 1285249574 ... 1285249574