Had a good day after all
Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 6:39 pm
I have some trouble from banks at getting a full box of pennies. Depending on the teller, I might get the typical "boxes are for our business customers" line. So, I figured I would just save myself some trouble and get $10.00 in pennies and call it a day. As the teller handed me the rolls - shrink wrap rolls - at a quick glance I could see that I had a dime in one roll and something that looked very much like a steel penny in another. Sure enough, I was right on both accounts, and a very nice looking steely by the way. My final count for the day turned out to be 7 Canadian, 34 wheats, and 342 coppers, which works out to be 38.3% keepers, my best percentage yet. My only complaint, is that now I gotta figure out what to do with the rest of my day.