Penny Wars?
Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:24 am
by cesariojpn
So i've been called in to help with a school's "Penny Wars" and all the money will go for Japan Relief.
Um, what the heck is a "Penny War" if I may stupidly ask? Might this net me a good source of coppers?
Re: Penny Wars?
Sun Mar 27, 2011 7:29 am
by dakota1955
Penny war are when you have groups of people bringing pennies to see who can bring in the most. Great source if you can go through them before the bank. Many will clean out their banks. I have been in these before.
Re: Penny Wars?
Sun Mar 27, 2011 1:49 pm
by goldteam
A penny war is where every classroom has some kind of bucket to put coins in.
Each class gets points for each penny. If someone puts in 75 pennies, you have 75 points.
You lose points whenever someone puts in a nickel, quarter, or dime.
Lets say my room has 2500 points(2500 pennies), a kid from another classroom can walk in with 20 quarters and drop then in our bucket. 20 quarters is equal to 500 pennies and we lose those points, so we now have 2000 points.
Half the fun is kids from other classes can come in and destroy your class. If your class is in the lead, it won't last for long. If you have 50,000 points and are in the lead, other classrooms will pelt you with the nickels, dimes, and quarters.
Obviously, you can have negative points in a penny war.
Usually at end, the top class gets a pizza party or something.