Got one of those penny boxes today
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 10:40 pm
While I was on the road today I picked up a box of pennies from a local bank that always helps me with a smile even though I do not have an account there yet. This evening when I started dumping the rolls out of the box in a pail to run through the Ryedale I noticed that there was an awful alot of coppers in them. It was a machine wrapped string box. So when I finished the box I ran them seperate to see the percentage.
No wheats
No Canadian
156 zincs
2344 coppers
For an percentage of 93.7% coppers, Nice to hit the jackpot occasionly.
No wheats
No Canadian
156 zincs
2344 coppers
For an percentage of 93.7% coppers, Nice to hit the jackpot occasionly.