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Dumped $60 in pennies and won $25
Mon May 09, 2011 7:31 pm
by Tourney64
I dumped $60 of Lincoln cents at my dump credit union at noon today. The teller told me that so far I am winning the contest....I say "What contest?" he says didn't you see the sign on the door...we are giving away $25 to whoever deposits the most $$$$ in our coin machine today. I went back to the branch 4 hrs later to dump $120 in dimes I picked up at my source bank and sorted thru during my lunch hour, but the lobby had already closed. Found out I still won the $25. I wish it was a weekly contest.
Re: Dumped $60 in pennies and won $25
Mon May 09, 2011 7:44 pm
by NotABigDeal
Man, I want a contest like that. Good going, winner, hehe.
Re: Dumped $60 in pennies and won $25
Mon May 09, 2011 7:45 pm
by Chief
Way to go! I wish my dump bank has a contest like this. When I go in the only have scowls on their faces when they see me. Good work.
Re: Dumped $60 in pennies and won $25
Mon May 09, 2011 11:49 pm
by hobo finds
Tourney64 wrote:I dumped $60 of Lincoln cents at my dump credit union at noon today. The teller told me that so far I am winning the contest....I say "What contest?" he says didn't you see the sign on the door...we are giving away $25 to whoever deposits the most $$$$ in our coin machine today. I went back to the branch 4 hrs later to dump $120 in dimes I picked up at my source bank and sorted thru during my lunch hour, but the lobby had already closed. Found out I still won the $25. I wish it was a weekly contest.
are you going to get the $25.00 in pennies?
Re: Dumped $60 in pennies and won $25
Tue May 10, 2011 12:08 am
by HoardCopperByTheTon
Congrats.. sounds like a fun contest! You must have caught them all sleeping. It takes 4 figures to win a contest like that at my CU. I won the last one with a little over $2k.. paid $75.. that's 3 boxes of pennies!
Keep and eye out.. when they run one of these contests they often run it again in a few months.