rickygee wrote:Just went thru $15 worth of cents, $5 CWR and $10 bank wrapped. Found plenty of '02s, but I also found a 1917 a 1929 and a 1947 King George VI Canadian cent
A 1947 are a 1947 Maple leaf?
The 1947 Maple Leaf refers to a set of Canadian coins dated 1947 which bear a tiny maple leaf following the date to denote that they were actually minted in 1948.
The initial obverse had a legend containing the Latin abbreviation ET IND:IMP: meaning the king was also the Emperor of India. The independence of India caused a dilemma for the Mint which resulted in the delay of coinage tools. The mint had to satisfy for all denominations of coins and to differentiate this issue from the regular strikings or 1947, a maple leaf was placed after the date.