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coin rolling tubes

Tue May 31, 2011 2:39 am
by Nokozan
im talking about these i want to get some info before i buy them, first off has anyone used these before are they accurate?. second question is what type of stores can i find these at locally? if you has used these in the past please give me a customer review!! ... B0013CM5FM
Re: coin rolling tubes

Tue May 31, 2011 8:46 am
by justoneguy
I use almost the exact same tubes.
I bought mine at office max for $10.
i have only rolled 50 rolls so far but they work easy.
i just ordered 1000 penny rolls for less than $16 delivered.
just over $7.50 for the rolls and same for shipping ... elected=14
Re: coin rolling tubes

Tue May 31, 2011 8:56 am
by inflationhawk
Thanks for the link to the wrappers, this will save me a few bucks.
Re: coin rolling tubes

Tue May 31, 2011 7:06 pm
by Crescendo
Nokozan wrote:im talking about these i want to get some info before i buy them, first off has anyone used these before are they accurate?. second question is what type of stores can i find these at locally? if you has used these in the past please give me a customer review!! ... B0013CM5FM
Your bank should give them to you for free. Particularly branches that do NOT have a coin counting machine. Those branches will almost always only take coins wrapped, therefore they are more forth coming with wrappers.
Re: coin rolling tubes

Tue May 31, 2011 10:53 pm
by scentavoh
staples has these.
Re: coin rolling tubes

Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:17 am
by inflationhawk
I have purchased crimped wrappers for pennies from a few places, but the NFString ones are the BEST by far. They are very tightly wrapped. Others I've tried were looser and the little plastic crimp tool I use to crimp the open end after filling with pennies can be hard to use on loose rolls. The NFString rolls are much easier.
Re: coin rolling tubes

Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:43 am
by gilpo
Sam's Club has 1000 flat wrappers for $4.88 shipped. ... tId=189817Heck of a deal if you have a membership or know someone that does and will order for you. And it's worth it to pay for them to avoid the dirty looks when I ask for wrappers time after time.
Re: coin rolling tubes

Mon Aug 01, 2011 12:03 pm
by PennyBoy
Flat wrappers, for lack of a better word, suck. Honestly, if you are going to manually wrap your coins, I would suggest buying wrappers that are already crimped on one end. Then, you just insert them into the coin tube and flip the tube, it's a piece of cake.
99 cent only stores sells mixed coin wrapper bags as well as just penny wrapper bags. Granted, there's not 1000 per bag, but they are only 99 cents. Best part is, you can buy one bag and then order them in bulk off their website, using the UPC code. Luck!
Re: coin rolling tubes

Mon Aug 01, 2011 12:06 pm
by PennyBoy
gilpo wrote:Sam's Club has 1000 flat wrappers for $4.88 shipped. ... tId=189817Heck of a deal if you have a membership or know someone that does and will order for you. And it's worth it to pay for them to avoid the dirty looks when I ask for wrappers time after time.
Dude, screw the people that give you dirty looks. I learned a long time ago that life is much easier when you don't give a rat's ass about what strangers think about you. Besides, the person that is handing you said wrappers did not pay for them, so why should they care?
Re: coin rolling tubes

Mon Aug 01, 2011 1:42 pm
by inflationhawk
PennyBoy wrote:Flat wrappers, for lack of a better word, suck.
You can say that again! I tried it once. Infuriating!!!
Re: coin rolling tubes

Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:56 pm
by BlackOut
dollar tree has an assorted bag for a buck. They are decent wrappers with a crimp on one end. for a buck, it is a good deal if you are wanting to roll em.
Re: coin rolling tubes

Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:50 am
by gilpo
inflationhawk wrote:PennyBoy wrote:Flat wrappers, for lack of a better word, suck.
You can say that again! I tried it once. Infuriating!!!
It's not that bad. I've got a pretty good system down. I have a line marked on a clear nickel tube where 50 pennies reaches (penny tubes are too tight). Then I fill up to that line, pop open a flat wrapper and slip it right over the coins. Tip to dump out and fold the ends. Can do a roll from start to finish in less than a minute. And when you are talking like 3 to 4 times the price to buy preformed tubes, it's not worth it to me. Just my opinion.
Re: coin rolling tubes

Wed Aug 03, 2011 4:13 am
by fansubs_ca
Why not just re-use the wrappers/tubes you get the pennies in? That's what I do.
Or is it that you get most of your source in bags?
Of course I've now stopped re-rolling most of it since I unload most of my nickels
at the Safeway self-check out which counts them and I don't do as many pennies.
Too bad it would cost more to ship than they are worth, I've been wondering what
to do with my excess tubes/wrappers. I supply some to freinds/relatives to roll
their coin which I end up buying off of them, so, um, they keep coming back to me.
I never could figure out why people buy them when most banks give them out free
and it's not too hard to make home made ones out of scrap paper. I recently had
to roll up some twoonies to make the last bit needed for a bill I had coming up so
I cut some admail that was blank on the back into 4 pieces and rolled them up in
that with the blank side out then hand wrote the contents. My credit union had no
problem with my hand made rolls.
Of course if you do really massive volume I guess these methods get too time
consuming but as a hand sorter it seems to work fine.
Re: coin rolling tubes

Wed Aug 03, 2011 8:42 am
by gilpo
All the rolls I get from the bank are either plastic wrapped or machine wrapped. I can open a machine wrapped roll without tearing it, but the wrap is so tight, I can't push the coins out so reusing it is not an option. I do reuse the wrappers from the customer wrapped rolls. I'm a pseudo-hand sorter (sort out wheats, foreign and 2009s and dump the rest in the coinalyzer) so it's fine for me as well . The guys with Ryedale's are just dealing with too much volume to be bothered with it.
Re: coin rolling tubes

Fri Oct 14, 2011 11:38 pm
by GGerrands
For now I have to turn in my zincs wrapped. I got a MMF assorted tube kit and 10 boxes of 1000 count wrappers (that's $500 of pennies wrapped per box, or $5000 wrapped total) for $46, with free shipping. The wrappers are about $3.40 per 1000 count box, and shipping is free on orders over $45. I calculated it out and it's about .35 cents per roll, or .7 cents per dollar, or $0.70 per $100 wrapped. I can live with that versus the coin star rate (for now).
On another note, the counter I got is a bit off. If you let the slot drop off the excess pennies, it'll hit 52 cents almost every time. So I let the slot take off the excess, then slide 2 more out. I manually count one, every now and then, after doing it this way and hit 50 on the nose 90% of the time.
I just rolled $210 worth of zincs. Def. less fun than looking for "copper gold" in the rolls.
Re: coin rolling tubes

Sat Oct 15, 2011 12:40 am
by HoardCopperByTheTon
Just get a few automatic coin rolling machines. You can get the paper in 1000 ft rolls. Rolls about 2000 rolls. Cost about $10 a roll shipped when bought in bulk. Very convenient.. just toss the pennies in the hopper and hit the button. Then continue sorting while the machine does all the work.

Re: coin rolling tubes

Sat Oct 15, 2011 1:32 am
by henrysmedford
I bought the same brand to count all the S mints Franklin is saving. I took them back. The coin count would not be the same 48, 51, 49 . I went back to the 1,2,3,4, way.
Franklin's Dad
Re: coin rolling tubes

Sat Oct 15, 2011 1:44 am
by cesariojpn
gilpo wrote:All the rolls I get from the bank are either plastic wrapped or machine wrapped. I can open a machine wrapped roll without tearing it, but the wrap is so tight, I can't push the coins out so reusing it is not an option.
What you need is some sort of plunger to push the coins out. A permanent marker that is flat on either end (i.e. not the typical Sharpie) or something similar.
Unroll one end, grip the roll (not firmly, just enough to keep it from shooting out of your grip), put the plunger into the wrapped end, give it a good push, and the coins will go out the other way.
Re: coin rolling tubes

Sat Oct 15, 2011 2:30 am
by ScottyTX
I have the attachment for my coin counter that has the different size tubes that slide onto the outlet for counted coins. Set the batch to 50 coins, put in a pre crimped roll (one one end) and hit start, A few seconds later it's filled with 50 copper pennies and I fold it over, then repeat. Goes pretty fast compared to other methods and most of the time the pennies fall right in the roll like they are supposed to, as long as the end is open and mostly round...... The smashed rolls that come in the box sucks as most of the time the pennies won't fall in after attempting to reshape the wrapper.
Re: coin rolling tubes

Sat Oct 15, 2011 1:21 pm
by Common Cents
I'm shocked that people are paying for these. Free at my banks, means I'm not spending any of my resources for paper, and instead put it into copper. Isn't the whole reason for collecting CU pennies to avoid putting your assets into paper? I'm scratching my head.
Re: coin rolling tubes

Sat Oct 15, 2011 1:41 pm
by HoardCopperByTheTon
I agree with common cents.. we should be putting our money in metals rather than paper. Ideally you could dump your cents in a bulk counter at the bank. Next best would be to turn in precounted in bags. As a last resort you could roll them. Since no banks have counters in my area and I don't want to get cut off by trying to push through too many bags, I use those thousand foot rolls of paper to make dumping easier. When I was was hand rolling I would just reuse/recycle the wrappers the coins came in. I would just put a bucket under one of the coin counters and set the batch count to 50. Fire it up for a few seconds and then roll the coins.
If you are unsure of your count, just check the weight of each roll on the scale. A roll of zincolns should weigh about 126 grams.

Re: coin rolling tubes

Sat Oct 15, 2011 5:02 pm
by chris6084
Common Cents wrote:I'm shocked that people are paying for these. Free at my banks, means I'm not spending any of my resources for paper, and instead put it into copper. Isn't the whole reason for collecting CU pennies to avoid putting your assets into paper? I'm scratching my head.
Depending on how much sorting you do, you may not be able to get enough from the bank. I can bring in a box of pennies, and ask for new paper rolls, and they sometimes give me five or six. I just brought in 50 rolls of coin, and the only give me a tiny stack of rolls. I don't mind the dirty looks, but if they are not willing to give me more, I have to end up buying some.
Re: coin rolling tubes

Sat Oct 15, 2011 9:48 pm
by penny pretty
staples online has a box of 1000 preformed penny tubes for $14.99, shipped free to your nearest store, considering a bag of 60 in-store is $4.99 I thought pretty good deal.
Re: coin rolling tubes

Sat Oct 15, 2011 10:04 pm
by Diggin4copper
I have 6 dump banks with coin machines near me... no rolling for me..
Re: coin rolling tubes

Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:42 pm
by hobo finds