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Took a wheat sorter's discards

PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:34 pm
by Morsecode
The teller hands me a String box that has been scotch taped shut and says, "These are from a customer, maybe you can still find something good"...I figured it would be a waste, but I was going to the dump branch tomorrow anyway. She has been good to me and, not having an account there, I chose not to whine.

The plan was to open a few random rolls. Turns out this other sorter is only pulling out the wheats :P I'm halfway through the box and the copper percentage is a typical 25%/30%

Best part is he rolled them with all the coins facing the same direction. Sweet! I'll take his discards any day.

I can't imagine going through all that work for only a dozen or so wheats. Sure hope he doesn't wise up ;)

Re: Took a wheat sorter's discards

PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:37 pm
by knibloe
I have the same sort of thing going. When I have time to sort, I get bags from a small branch. Earlier this year, they called me and wanted to know if I wanted 8 bags. A guy has been coming in and dumping his wheat sorts. The two bags that I did get were between 25 and 30 %

Re: Took a wheat sorter's discards

PostPosted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:33 am
by Chief
I love picking up my standing order and they are always 30%+ copper and plenty of wheats and canadians. If they are not 30% coppers, they are shiny, new 2010's or 11's. Straight to ebay with those boxes, plus no opening all those rolls. Happy sorting. :)