Hi all,
I bought a box of pennies from the bank today during my lunch break...the typical box of N.F. String rolls that I usually get. I couldn't wait until I got home, so I just went through 10 rolls. Only 2 of the 10 rolls had less than 25 pre-82 pennies, and those 2 had over 15. Three of them had over 35 pre-82 pennies. There were also 6 wheats and 5 old copper canadians.
Now, I have not been sorting for very long, but this seems really unusual to me. Maybe it's just a fluke, and the other $20 will even out my percentage for this box, but I can't help but think that something is up here.
I'm thinking that when Brinks or N.F. String processes their pennies, the machine rumbles and vibrates and they have some large container of pennies. Maybe, since the coppers are heavier, the zincs and coppers separate a little from the vibrations, and the end of the run produces a bunch of copper heavy rolls. Then, since those copper heavy rolls were all rolled close to each other chronologically, they end up in the same box.....
Does anyone else have any insight? Does the penny processing procedure lead to an occassional box that is 50%+ copper? Or is my experience this time just a statistical fluke?