Paid with Pennies

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Paid with Pennies

Postby amalekidad » Sat Jun 11, 2011 10:08 pm

Went to Home Depot today for some supplies. I gave the checker a $25 box of zincons and an extra roll for the tax. She gave me a dirty look, asked another checker, and then called a manager. He said ‘count them and get back to work.’ She started screaming at the manager that she was not going to count every single cent. He let her finish and said, "each roll is 50 cents. It looks like this guy already counted out $25 dollars worth for you." The clerk did not say one more word to me, just finished the transaction and handed me the receipt.
What is your best “I paid with pennies” story?
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Re: Paid with Pennies

Postby avidbrandy » Sat Jun 11, 2011 10:12 pm

I don't have one yet but that sounds like a great way to get rid of the rest of these boxes of 2011's.
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Re: Paid with Pennies

Postby Number21 » Mon Jun 13, 2011 7:12 pm

I bet it is becoming more common for people to pay for retail transactions with rolled change, penny sorters or not, everybody is broke these days...
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Re: Paid with Pennies

Postby NotABigDeal » Tue Jun 14, 2011 5:54 pm

Back "In the day" several of us used to pay for gas with pennies. There's a thread around here.... I hold the record for paying after pumping, and I think Hoard holds the pre-pay record. Haven't tried it for a long time.

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Re: Paid with Pennies

Postby 68Camaro » Tue Jun 14, 2011 5:57 pm

Frankly I would think major retailers like HD, if the managers had any kind of head on their shoulders, would welcome rolled counted coin... For those with wrapping machines, maybe those should be negotiated dump sites. Talk to managers, tell them you can supply all their penny needs, for free.
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Re: Paid with Pennies

Postby merchoarder » Wed Jun 15, 2011 2:00 am

When I got home from work today the GF was hungry and I realized I didn't have any cash and no real food in the fridge (I have no problem counting beer as a meal, but it doesn't fly with her.) Had to cash in some zincs at the coinstar for dinner. I know, that doesn't really count. I should have just tried paying with the pennies at the register and avoided the 9.8 percent middleman (coinstar.) It takes some balls to pay with pennies, more power to all that have succeeded but I'm still working up to it.
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Re: Paid with Pennies

Postby John_doe » Wed Jun 15, 2011 2:11 am

Number21 wrote::lol:
I bet it is becoming more common for people to pay for retail transactions with rolled change, penny sorters or not, everybody is broke these days...

If they only understood the rationality behind it, we would be living in a utopian society. Miseducation reigns supreme for now however, and I have to exchange debts with paper.

Sorry, in a bad mood. :evil:
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Re: Paid with Pennies

Postby Number21 » Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:41 am

68Camaro wrote:Frankly I would think major retailers like HD, if the managers had any kind of head on their shoulders, would welcome rolled counted coin... For those with wrapping machines, maybe those should be negotiated dump sites. Talk to managers, tell them you can supply all their penny needs, for free.

I would bet that is more of a corporate wide policy. Retailers do have to buy rolls of pennies the way we do, but, it doesn't cost them any more than it costs us to aquire them. They already of course have giant commercial accounts....

You'd have better luck with that idea at a mom and pop sort of place.

Does anybody know what large retailers do with their pennies? Do they count and roll them all, and cycle them back through the registers, or just drop them off in bulk somewhere?
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Re: Paid with Pennies

Postby 68Camaro » Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:04 am

Number21 wrote:Does anybody know what large retailers do with their pennies? Do they count and roll them all, and cycle them back through the registers, or just drop them off in bulk somewhere?

If I recall correctly they tend to be net consumers of them. None left over, always consuming them. Thus I would be a bit surprised that they would resist getting them in a good format.
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
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Re: Paid with Pennies

Postby Number21 » Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:53 am

68Camaro wrote:
Number21 wrote:Does anybody know what large retailers do with their pennies? Do they count and roll them all, and cycle them back through the registers, or just drop them off in bulk somewhere?

If I recall correctly they tend to be net consumers of them. None left over, always consuming them. Thus I would be a bit surprised that they would resist getting them in a good format.

That's what I thought, but I wonder if they recycle the ones they receive as payments? Or do they drop them off in bulk at a bank and pay for new boxes of rolls? Big companies do some stupid things.....
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Re: Paid with Pennies

Postby ed_vantage17 » Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:53 pm

I've done the change ordering for a couple of different retail stores back in the day. The only thing that got sent out was $20 FRN and above. Everything else we had to buy to replenish our supply on a weekly basis.
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Re: Paid with Pennies

Postby BamaJoe » Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:06 pm

Number21 wrote::lol:
I bet it is becoming more common for people to pay for retail transactions with rolled change, penny sorters or not, everybody is broke these days...

That's exactly it. A good friend of mine has a couple of C-Stores - both in what would be considered solid middle class neighborhoods. He tells me that he used to have to pick at up least $1,000 in change for each FROM the bank each week, he now takes at least $1,000 (if not more) TO the bank each week from each. A net change of at least $2,000 in change at each store each week.

On the plus side, he does get a little silver from time to time from all the change coming in.
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Re: Paid with Pennies

Postby Gamecock » Thu Jun 23, 2011 8:52 pm

i just dumped a box of dimes at walmart. it felt awesome.
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Re: Paid with Pennies

Postby moneydog » Fri Jun 24, 2011 12:58 am

amalekidad wrote:Went to Home Depot today for some supplies. I gave the checker a $25 box of zincons and an extra roll for the tax. She gave me a dirty look, asked another checker, and then called a manager. He said ‘count them and get back to work.’ She started screaming at the manager that she was not going to count every single cent. He let her finish and said, "each roll is 50 cents. It looks like this guy already counted out $25 dollars worth for you." The clerk did not say one more word to me, just finished the transaction and handed me the receipt.
What is your best “I paid with pennies” story?

better hope she didnt get your tag number :evil:
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Re: Paid with Pennies

Postby TwoPenniesEarned » Fri Jun 24, 2011 1:20 am

I buy my coffee every morning with a roll of steel nickels.
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