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Met another sorter for the 1st time today

PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 2:21 am
So I was at the dump bank today doing my rounds and dumping my halves bag, along with picking up CWR's etc, when I noticed that there was a pimple-faced college kid (not more than 21 years old) in the next teller window over that had a full $50 bag of pennies that he was depositing. Wow...another sorter. Damn. And then reality set in and it finally hit me....I am actually not alone. I mean, sure, all my regular tellers always tell me stories of other folks, plus what they bring in, what they sort for and so on...but to actually see somebody else in-the-flesh was, well...wierd. OK, sure, I've met Hoard and hung out with him several times etc...but he's in the next town over and I consider him to be more of a friend and colleague and not really my competition. Also, we don't go to each other's banks (except one bank one time, of which I admitted to him).

So I waited out in the car, as I figured that he owned the old beat up car that was next to me (all the others were new cars). He comes out and before unlocking his door, I say hello and mention that I saw him dumping all the pennies and asked him what he sorted for etc and did he sort for metal content. Yep, copper and all the wheats, among other things. I mentioned that I was a sorter too. The conversation was short but totally friendly and there was nothing negative at all. I wished him good luck and to keep sorting/searching. And that was pretty much it. My guess is that he was surprised at seeing me also.

After I left, then of course it hit me...I should have given him my number, asked him if he hand-sorts, does he use a Ryedale, what else does he sort for, where does he usually dump at, how can we help each other so that we are not stepping on each other's toes and so on. I looked at him as a rival; we should learn from each other and not be enemies etc.

Guess it caught me off-guard to actually see another sorter. Oh well, next time, I'll be more prepared.

Re: Met another sorter for the 1st time today

PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 8:44 am
by daviscfad
OK, sure, I've met Hoard and hung out with him several times etc...but he's in the next town over and I consider him to be more of a friend and colleague and not really my competition. Also, we don't go to each other's banks (except one bank one time, of which I admitted to him).

your a lucky fellow

Re: Met another sorter for the 1st time today

PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 9:24 am
by Doctor Steuss
HPMBTT wrote:[...] we should learn from each other and not be enemies etc.

Awesome attitude.

I work in the homebuilding industry, and one thing that has always impressed me about this industry is I have never once heard anyone in upper management refer to other builders as "competitors," "competition," "rivals," or anything of the sort. Other builders are always referred to as "colleagues," and builders usually have a very close working relationship with one another. In the end, it benefits the industry as a whole. I think it's really groovy that you are able to see sorting in the same light.

Re: Met another sorter for the 1st time today

PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 10:08 am
by Kurr
I always write down the realcent address and my username and refer them here.

Re: Met another sorter for the 1st time today

PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 4:32 pm
by Gamecock
HPMBTT wrote:After I left, then of course it hit me...I should have given him my number

don't worry, if it's meant to be, i'm sure you'll run into him again some time :lol:

Re: Met another sorter for the 1st time today

PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 12:56 pm
Yeah. It's better to know your competition than be enemies anyway. Of course, you don't have to share ALL the tricks in the book. But it would definitely be good to exchange some stories and learn from each other.

Now that I think about it, I wonder if it was his ugly/nasty pennies hoard that I got a couple months ago (I posted about it too). Totally nasty pennies (30 rolls), disgusting, dirt, gunk, green, bent, pieces missing, you name it. It's still sitting pn the floor, as I still don't want to go through them, or clean them, or return them etc. Undecided.

What I do now is before accepting a large amount of penny CWR's, I ask if it was all returned by one person; if it was, then I ask to see 1-2 rolls...I do the feel test (see if I feel/hear any loose dirt) and the visual test (open both ends and see if there is any green nasties). If there is, then I don't take them.