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The Old Sorters Club

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 9:28 pm
by Robarons
I was just poking around and notice that realcent has seen a large increase of sorters with fresh thoughts (sometimes a little too fresh :lol: )

Most of the old guys from the old forum have disappeared and was wondering whos left? Who is our 'old men' of realcent. Back in the old days we saw the heyday of copper cent sorting in its infancy. I know that when I joined the just made it illegal to melt cents down, a hot topic of the time.

Anyone care to reminisce of the old days? When I joined in 2007 my sorting percents were 33% to 40% in Michigan.

Re: The Old Sorters Club

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 10:07 pm
by Rosco
I have not been sorting long 2009, but I'm old at least I think 73 an hand sorting is old :lol:

Re: The Old Sorters Club

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:38 am
by Lemon Thrower
summer 2008. back in the good old days, my then 5 year old was happy to help and get paid in a half dozen wheat cents. these days he wants silver halves or ASE's. kid alrady beats me in chess and monopoly.

Re: The Old Sorters Club

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:37 am
by Slaphot
I started saving all pennies from change back in 2008. Funny I thought all pennies were copper at one point:). I did not start mining bank rolls untill Dec 2009. I was a lurker for months before I actually joined Realcent back in Feb 2010. Here in the rust belt my % has always been a steady 30%.

Re: The Old Sorters Club

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:38 am
by gojomoso
Robarons wrote:When I joined in 2007 my sorting percents were 33% to 40% in Michigan.

From michigan! east or west side?

Re: The Old Sorters Club

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:09 am
by Country
When I heard the mint was going to make a composition change to zinc, I started putting away COPPER in 1979. I went to the bank and got some BU rolls in 1979, 1980, and 1981. Also, got some canvas bags sealed with a lead seal from the FED. Also, some BU FED bags too. Supplemented all this with some paper rolls that bank had on hand. When you ordered pennies from a bank in those days, the bank would tell you that you could not return them back in bulk. Never a problem for me, I never returned any of them. I got a number of rolls that that were sitting in banks for a decade or so earlier, the oldest date in them being in the 60's, with many brand new coins. I checked a few of these recently for wheaties, but none were in the rolls. In those days, folks had to put their SS number and phone number on the rolls when they brought their rolled pennies to the bank for deposit (not much security in those days).

Once I had a stash of COPPER, I continued to pull COPPER out of circulation and from some penny hoards my friends would give me in the 1980s. For many years afterwards, I sort of lost interest until I found RealCent a couple years ago. I had to sit on my stash for nearly 30 years (How's that for being patient), but I'm happy now. As your know, I'm sorting again, and it's fun knowing that what I pull out of circulation now is really worth the effort these days.

Re: The Old Sorters Club

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:13 am
by Rodebaugh
Rob, you were the person that I completed my first transaction here on RC. Picked up a ton of indians if I recall. Had you ship them to my dad's house. Thats been two years ago. Before then, Long....Long time lurker for me. I remember fresh posts from tenbears, ponce's nick enthusiasm, and our most recent lost god father of RC....Ardent listener's guidance.

Still a good group here with the come and goes....miss some of the incite of the lost members....but I feel like there has been an influx of quality contributors even in my short time of member status that would not be same without:

Country- can you imagine a realcent without him? He has by far the most popular threads. The work and dedication in upkeep the man delivers is incomparable.
68Camaro- great incite posts. The man is sharp as a tack and has a matter of fact view on a lot of important topics.
Beauanderos- who needs kitco with this member online. Silver’s biggest cheerleader has made it where I will never fall below a certain total ounce hoard.
Market Harmony- I have stepped up to a new level in numismatics because of this member. I look at morgans completely different than I did just a year ago.

Moral of the story: Man there are a ton more folks out there that make RC …well RC. Members sign on and post everything from awesome finds to personal tragedies. Ups, downs, and just good coin talk. My coin game and life is different and better due to the info gathered and absorbed here.

Re: The Old Sorters Club

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:22 am
by daviscfad
I started getting boxes in early 2008. I was staying with my cuz in SC. and I remember getting some great amounts of copper and even a few indian heads. Then i went home and sorted through a couple of boxes and they were all zincs. I also remember tenbears. I think he was one of the members in disbelief of wild indians. In a way it seems like a life time ago

Re: The Old Sorters Club

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:43 am
by Cerulean
I joined the old forum in 2006, and I've been pulling coppers from my pocket change just as long.

Re: The Old Sorters Club

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:52 am
by Kurr
Do I qualify for this club?

I have to agree with Doc, in the years I have been here, I can honestly say, realcent CHANGES ( :D ) you!

I knew nothing of saving, sorting, hard money, economics, etc etc when I came here. Frankly thought everyone was nutz. Then I tried it an read an read an read an read.

Through the site and membership, I have started saving and investing. I actually had to save to get my first box of cents, I was that broke, with newborn boy/girl twins! I have learned about the markets, and sound money.

My children now have a nice Indian Head cent collection, wheat collection, copper pile, ASE collection, I have had a huge pile of copper, and sold a huge pile off. I bought a 1911 for security equipment/investment with money earned from copper cents that they own but I carry. Same with an 1851 Navy .36 caliber.

I have bought equipment and started a business for my children/family in the metals with money from copper cents, and encouragement and ideas from Market Harmony and others, A&M Fine metals to produce micro bullion in silver and gold. Copper cents have financed equipment so that I can produce jewelry, sheetstock and wire.

I remember Tennears back when he was TexasCattleRancher :D

This site and it's membership through the knowledge, education, kindness, civility, trust, and friendship can and will change a person. It has completely changed my life for the better and caused me to be a better person in mind and spirit.

For that I thank you all.

Here's to many many more years among friends!

Re: The Old Sorters Club

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:33 am
by beauanderos
Well... it looks like Cerulean is in the lead for "the Old Man of Realcent" so far... length of time as a member, that is. :D Where's Hoardie? :mrgreen:

Re: The Old Sorters Club

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:24 am
by Lemon Thrower
upper right hand corner, click on members, then click on join date, and it will sort all members by join date. click it again and it will sort them by reverse join date.

Re: The Old Sorters Club

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:38 am
by psi
I came across the old site in 2007 and initially thought it was sort of a weird hobby, but pretty soon I started buying bundles of nickels to search for .999 and I got hooked. That was the summer nickel went into the 20's, which was a good motivator although I never sold any until recently. At that time the alloy recovery program had not yet started and percentages were generally around 25%, pretty good for a coin that was worth over 4x face at the time. I started bringing along a couple rolls of reject nickels with me when I went out, and running them through vending machines until I had full rolls of .999 . Later on I started sorting pennies and dimes as well. I have always hand sorted, thought about getting a Ryedale but I never took the plunge and bought one.

Re: The Old Sorters Club

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 12:19 pm
by camtender

Re: The Old Sorters Club

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:26 pm
by TXBullion
Rodebaugh wrote:Rob, you were the person that I completed my first transaction here on RC. Picked up a ton of indians if I recall. Had you ship them to my dad's house. Thats been two years ago. Before then, Long....Long time lurker for me. I remember fresh posts from tenbears, ponce's nick enthusiasm, and our most recent lost god father of RC....Ardent listener's guidance.

Still a good group here with the come and goes....miss some of the incite of the lost members....but I feel like there has been an influx of quality contributors even in my short time of member status that would not be same without:

Country- can you imagine a realcent without him? He has by far the most popular threads. The work and dedication in upkeep the man delivers is incomparable.
68Camaro- great incite posts. The man is sharp as a tack and has a matter of fact view on a lot of important topics.
Beauanderos- who needs kitco with this member online. Silver’s biggest cheerleader has made it where I will never fall below a certain total ounce hoard.
Market Harmony- I have stepped up to a new level in numismatics because of this member. I look at morgans completely different than I did just a year ago.

Moral of the story: Man there are a ton more folks out there that make RC …well RC. Members sign on and post everything from awesome finds to personal tragedies. Ups, downs, and just good coin talk. My coin game and life is different and better due to the info gathered and absorbed here.

Very well said Rodebaugh. I came to the dark side a little over a year ago (fairly new in perspective) but wouldn't change anything. RC definitely grows on you!

Re: The Old Sorters Club

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:18 pm
by Number21
Never saw the old site, but I've been picking coppers for at least a decade. People thought I was crazy when copper pennies were still worth less than a cent. NOW WHO'S CRAZY!?! :lol:

Re: The Old Sorters Club

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:37 pm
by Market Harmony
I was a late bloomer. In fact, I needed a little prodding from Nate at the Copper Cave ( before I committed myself to the same loony bin that all you other guys are in. I love copper. Copper cents, copper bars, copper roofs, copper whatever, I love it. It took me about 5 or 6 years before I found realcent, but I sure am glad that I did. I joined in 2009 and have been in good company since.

Thank you to all the members, past and present, that have made realcent what it is today. The future has a wide range of possibilities. I hope we all can share that future with each other, and even more members will make that better. Go out and tell someone today about! :D

Re: The Old Sorters Club

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:44 pm
by bankmining
Just thought of something - has anyone heard from the original founder of this forum, Realcent himself? I think he disappeared about the time I joined maybe a little before.

Re: The Old Sorters Club

PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:18 am
by natsb88
Not sure I qualify as an "old" sorter :lol: , but I have seen Realcent grow a lot since I joined. I'm a member on probably more than half a dozen metals forums, but Realcent is the one I keep coming back to. Ya'll are a wealth of information, inspiration, and support. It only took a couple months of hanging out here to encourage me to start The Copper Cave. It has grown significantly over the past three years, and I currently have a lot of new things in the works, again in large part thanks to the connections I have made with outstanding members here.

Re: The Old Sorters Club

PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 5:18 pm
by ed_vantage17
I'm fairly new here, but it feels like the new X-men movie when the mutants find out they're not alone and start meeting others like themselves. I've been in various stages of sorting/hoarding for many years but I finally feel like I'm not a complete whack job. There are others. We are legion.

Re: The Old Sorters Club

PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 6:34 pm
by 68Camaro
TXBullion wrote:
Rodebaugh wrote:Rob, you were the person that I completed my first transaction here on RC. Picked up a ton of indians if I recall. Had you ship them to my dad's house. Thats been two years ago. Before then, Long....Long time lurker for me. I remember fresh posts from tenbears, ponce's nick enthusiasm, and our most recent lost god father of RC....Ardent listener's guidance.

Still a good group here with the come and goes....miss some of the incite of the lost members....but I feel like there has been an influx of quality contributors even in my short time of member status that would not be same without:

Country- can you imagine a realcent without him? He has by far the most popular threads. The work and dedication in upkeep the man delivers is incomparable.
68Camaro- great incite posts. The man is sharp as a tack and has a matter of fact view on a lot of important topics.
Beauanderos- who needs kitco with this member online. Silver’s biggest cheerleader has made it where I will never fall below a certain total ounce hoard.
Market Harmony- I have stepped up to a new level in numismatics because of this member. I look at morgans completely different than I did just a year ago.

Moral of the story: Man there are a ton more folks out there that make RC …well RC. Members sign on and post everything from awesome finds to personal tragedies. Ups, downs, and just good coin talk. My coin game and life is different and better due to the info gathered and absorbed here.

Very well said Rodebaugh. I came to the dark side a little over a year ago (fairly new in perspective) but wouldn't change anything. RC definitely grows on you!

I'm honored (I think - sharp as a tack sounds like I'm doing well - "all things considered" ;) ) to even be mentioned in this list, but - while this goes off-topic - I have to add neilgin to this. See his latest post - a must read if you haven't already, so I'm advertising it:


Re: The Old Sorters Club

PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 5:38 pm
by NotABigDeal
I've been around since '07 or so. Thisis the only site I participate in. Great place full of great people.

It's true, many have come and gone but the community survives. Some can stay gone, hehe....


Re: The Old Sorters Club

PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 8:28 pm
by Rodebaugh
yeah Rich, Neil is no joke. Very smart cat indeed.

Re: The Old Sorters Club

PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 9:28 pm
by fb101
I miss hearing from TenBears. I've been round since '08 and lurker before that.

Re: The Old Sorters Club

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 10:26 am
by TheJonasCollegeFund
I, too, was a proud lurker before I came out of the closet and signed up to be a official member of this forum. It's nice to feel like you you just "fit" here. It's amazing how smart some of us really are in contrast to how just about everyone else thinks were crazy with our "dumb" penny thing. And the best part is that there doesn't seem to be too many knuckle head bad apples here. Lots of GOOD folks here!

If this is "crazy"...I like crazy!