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Beat your girlfriend up and collect 360K dollars-only in Ca!

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 3:44 pm
by pennypicker
My local Victorville, Ca. paper tells me today that one of our higher echelon city government officials was arrested in Las Vegas two weeks ago for beating up his girlfriend while they were on a weekend outing together. In response our city council, in all their wisdom, decides it is best that this high-level official must go and that instead of going through the time consuming process of having him officially removed they decide instead to give him $360,000 dollars of tax payer's money to just walk away--of course he keeps his pension. Our paper did some investigating and discovered that this same official, years back while working for another city gov't, was also charged for beating up another girlfriend but the charge was "conveniently" reduced to some ridiculous misdemeanor and he kept his job.

And on a similar note two months ago our city's school superintendent tells the school board that after less than one year on the job she is going to resign. She tells them that she can not work with a new school board member who was just elected. It turns out that this superintendent had fired this newly elected official a few years back when they both held lower positions within the school district and there was too much animosity between them still. Our paper learned that our superintendent, along with other high-ranking officials, have a clause in their contract whereby they can simply walk away from the job, get a handful of cash and keep their pension--they call it "the golden handshake". Anyways our school board, in all of their wisdom, instead of telling her not to let the door hit her in the ass on the way out chose instead to give her $325,000 dollars of tax payer's money. The only stipulation is that for one year she has to accept the title of "consultant" and while resting comfortably at home she simply has to answer the phone and give any advice should a school official wish to contact her and ask for some. Of course she gets full medical benefits while staying at home for the year.

And last week the paper tells me that the city council says that due to budget deficits it will have to eliminate one firefighter position on each fire truck.

And today the paper tells me that the city council, in all of their wisdom, has decided not to eliminate the 11 firefighter positions but instead they are going to raise various city taxes.

The point of this post is I have to ask why do we all spend so much time sorting pennies when the real goldmine can be found simply by landing employment with our various gov't agencies?

Enough is enough--I'm joining the TEA PARTY...and finally leaving California after 54 years!!

Re: Beat your girlfriend up and collect 360K dollars-only in

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 5:38 pm
by AGgressive Metal
California is out of control.

Re: Beat your girlfriend up and collect 360K dollars-only in

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 5:57 pm
by Thogey
No! California is perfect.

Attention Californians: California is cool. Please stay in California.

Arizona is the worst place to flee to.. yuck.

Re: Beat your girlfriend up and collect 360K dollars-only in

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 6:28 pm
by Verbane
Thogey wrote:No! California is perfect.

Attention Californians: California is cool. Please stay in California.

Arizona is the worst place to flee to.. yuck.

LOL :lol:

The mass exodus is on. I moved my family from NY state to NC about seven years ago, before it got really bad. States like CA, NJ and NY keep taxing their citizens into other states.

Re: Beat your girlfriend up and collect 360K dollars-only in

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 6:51 pm
by Morsecode
While I would love to have you here in CT, Don...(to save on shipping if nothing else), I'm afraid it's no better.

Our town just gave an early buyout to our embattled police chief, whose shenanigans are too numerous to list here. Five years pay, continued medical, and a padded pension.

Doesn't anyone above the peasant-class just get fired anymore?


Re: Beat your girlfriend up and collect 360K dollars-only in

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 6:56 pm
by chris6084
Thogey wrote:No! California is perfect.

Attention Californians: California is cool. Please stay in California.

Arizona is the worst place to flee to.. yuck.

Too late. There are already tens of thousands of Californians who have already moved to AZ, and they keep bringing their family members over. In Phoenix, if you spit, you will hit somebody who has escaped from California.

Re: Beat your girlfriend up and collect 360K dollars-only in

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 7:13 pm
For some reason people fleeing Chicago and detroit land in Atlanta...then start voting for the same liberal policies that screwed up the place they left.... :x

Re: Beat your girlfriend up and collect 360K dollars-only in

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 7:14 pm
by Thogey
They've destroyed Prescott. The locust hoard came from California with their Mc Mansion bucks. California developers scrapped down the hillsides to build for the rich Californians. Now we have a bunch of ripped up hills and valleys with residential PADS full of weeds or foreclosed Mansions and needlessly sub-divided acreage.. California developers are bankrupt or in jail, rich Californians aren't so rich anymore. The ones that did infect this area never left California mentally, so now we deal with California bull[excrement].

I hear California is cool and beautiful.

Arizona is desert and rattlesnakes and Joe Arpaio.

Re: Beat your girlfriend up and collect 360K dollars-only in

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 8:27 pm
by pennypicker
I will take some solace in the fact that a month ago the paper said the SEC started an investigation into the financial investing practices of our city officials. Two weeks ago the paper said the SEC had asked the FBI to join in the investigation. How ironic it is that within days of the paper telling of the FBI joining in the investigation the city manager announces his retirement! :o

Re: Beat your girlfriend up and collect 360K dollars-only in

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 9:23 pm
by bman
The only reason they get into politics is to pad their pockets and get away with crap regular that people can't. :evil:

Re: Beat your girlfriend up and collect 360K dollars-only in

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 10:05 pm
by Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay
For decades people have come to Oklahoma and complained how backward we are. "Oklahomans are so stupid!!" my (ex)brother-in-law would jeer. (The Sheikh didn't divorce the #1 wife, just the in-laws.)

My pat answer is: If it is so great where you come from, why are you here? The road that brought you here will sure as Hell take you back!

Re: Beat your girlfriend up and collect 360K dollars-only in

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 11:12 pm
by rulesforrebels
The citizens of this town should camp outside this guys house and either forceh im to flea the town or give back the money. Until people stand up and stop putting up with this crap it will continue.

Re: Beat your girlfriend up and collect 360K dollars-only in

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 11:55 pm
by John_doe
rulesforrebels wrote:The citizens of this town should camp outside this guys house and either forceh im to flea the town or give back the money. Until people stand up and stop putting up with this crap it will continue.

Happens every day. :roll:

Full time camping. Maybe some of those folks with forclosed homes would be interested considering people like this are typically to blame.

Re: Beat your girlfriend up and collect 360K dollars-only in

PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 1:34 pm
by HoardCopperByTheTon
pennypicker wrote:The point of this post is I have to ask why do we all spend so much time sorting pennies when the real goldmine can be found simply by landing employment with our various gov't agencies?

Because some of us Californians have too much integrity to accept a government position.

My mother escaped to Phoenix. Thogey is right.. we don't want to migrate east.. the copper percentage are lousy there. I would much rather move to Oregon and be henrysmedford's neighbor.. with all those lobby coin counting machines nearby. :mrgreen: