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Are you ever surprised....

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 4:16 pm
by John_doe
At how little the bank knows about the currency, and how it functions?

Every bank I go to tells me that the fed controls coinage.

Re: Are you ever surprised....

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 4:48 pm
by barrytrot
Are you saying it matters?

People know how to do *their jobs*. Requiring them to know what is essentially useless trivia doesn't sound necessary.

Re: Are you ever surprised....

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 5:23 pm
by Number21
barrytrot wrote:People know how to do *their jobs*.

Really? Where do you find these people?

Re: Are you ever surprised....

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 9:10 pm
by barrytrot
Number21 wrote:
barrytrot wrote:People know how to do *their jobs*.

Really? Where do you find these people?

All of the bank workers I've ever dealt with do their jobs quite well, actually.

Re: Are you ever surprised....

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 11:44 pm
by John_doe
barrytrot wrote:
Number21 wrote:
barrytrot wrote:People know how to do *their jobs*.

Really? Where do you find these people?

All of the bank workers I've ever dealt with do their jobs quite well, actually.

I'm not saying that they are bad people, I'm just wondering why you would hire someone who does not understand the business.

I would like a mechinic to know a thing or two about cars before he works on my engine...

Re: Are you ever surprised....

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 12:45 am
by John_doe
barrytrot wrote:Are you saying it matters?

People know how to do *their jobs*. Requiring them to know what is essentially useless trivia doesn't sound necessary.

Typically it matters. It Is not conforting that you celebrate this.

Granted they are private institutions, and they can hire who they want. I find it odd that I quite literally have to explain the structure of the monetary unit to the people AT THE BANK.

I pray it doesn't get to the point to where I'm explaining anatomy to the doctor.

Re: Are you ever surprised....

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:28 am
by cesariojpn
John_doe wrote:I pray it doesn't get to the point to where I'm explaining anatomy to the doctor.


Re: Are you ever surprised....

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 7:34 am
by barrytrot
John_doe wrote:
barrytrot wrote:Are you saying it matters?

People know how to do *their jobs*. Requiring them to know what is essentially useless trivia doesn't sound necessary.

Typically it matters. It Is not conforting that you celebrate this.

Granted they are private institutions, and they can hire who they want. I find it odd that I quite literally have to explain the structure of the monetary unit to the people AT THE BANK.

I pray it doesn't get to the point to where I'm explaining anatomy to the doctor.

What you are referring to is something *that does not matter*.

If I ask them to change out a $100 every single one of them can do it.

If I ask them to handle my deposit every one of them can do it.


Why you think they need to know something that is irrelevant is beyond me.

This is not the same as the basic skills necessary to perform the job such as "anatomy for a doctor" or "cars to a mechanic".

If the person didn't know the difference between a deposit and a withdrawal you have an issue. However, they definitely know that :)

The bank employees know their jobs and do them well.

They don't necessarily know useless trivia about their jobs.

Re: Are you ever surprised....

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 1:51 pm
by gilpo
My wife is a bank teller and she only knows what I've taught her and really couldn't care less at that. All she cares about is her day-to-day activities and if a coin is worth anything more than face value. There's no reason for her to know any more than that. She has enough on her plate keeping deposits and withdrawals and all the associated paperwork straight.

You have to remember that bank tellers are the fast-food workers of the banking industry. Does the guy at McDonalds need to know anything about raising a cow to make your cheeseburger? Would it make you feel any better if he did? Now, if your investment adviser or stock broker (or federal reserve chairman) didn't know about the currency issues, then you would have cause for alarm. Oh wait... :lol:

Re: Are you ever surprised....

PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:21 am
by barrytrot
gilpo wrote:You have to remember that bank tellers are the fast-food workers of the banking industry. Does the guy at McDonalds need to know anything about raising a cow to make your cheeseburger? Would it make you feel any better if he did? Now, if your investment adviser or stock broker (or federal reserve chairman) didn't know about the currency issues, then you would have cause for alarm. Oh wait... :lol:

Good one. I bet 90% of Investment advisors would fail that test!

Re: Are you ever surprised....

PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:17 pm
by John_doe
I didn't mean for it to be offensive. I was generalizing, and obviously it does not hold true for everyone.

Re: Are you ever surprised....

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 2:07 pm
by gilpo
I wasn't offended. Can't speak for others. I just wanted to throw my 2 cents in to point out why I felt your standards are too high on bank workers. We're all entitled to our opinions. Just some points to think about.

Re: Are you ever surprised....

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 2:35 pm
by 68Camaro
What makes this site still unusual is that while it is open subscription, the crud of the world haven't found it yet (hopefully never), and people are still relatively polite. While sometimes feathers can get slightly ruffled, generally people back-off when they realize they've hit a nerve, there was never any ill-well intended in the first place, and apologies are willingly offered and accepted when things get a bit tense.

Please keep up this behavior folks, so that I can continue to enjoy RC. Thanks!