26 wheats in one N.F string and son roll....

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26 wheats in one N.F string and son roll....

Postby gettin copper » Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:08 pm

Cracked a box, seen a couple enders, and my first double wheat ender. That roll had 26, and the box had 167 total wheats. Crazy box imo, wish something like that would happen with my normal boxes of skunk half dollars............
gettin copper
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Re: 26 wheats in one N.F string and son roll....

Postby Morsecode » Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:19 pm

So far, haven't had one of those. Had 4 wheats in a row out of a roll last week, but got excited for nothing. The entire box totaled less than 20 :x
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