Seagrams bottle estate sale score
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:27 pm
So I scoped out an estate sale's pictures online for this weekend that had a picture of a Seagram's bottle full of pennies. I went to the sale the first day and they wanted $12 for it, I could not see any wheats or IHC, but they all looked pre-'82, I made some good scores and decided maybe I would come back the 2nd day for 1/2 off everything. I went back today and I didn't see it at first, but then located it and snagged it for $6. The lady said something about it being a rare bottle or something of the sort, I didn't mention why I was really getting it. After discussing bets among family members about the estimated # of pennies, I counted them out: $9.25 face in pre-82 pennies (not a single 1982), 1 1989 penny, and 4 40s-50s wheats. I looked up the bottle on ebay, doesn't look like anything special so it will probably be recycled. As a sociological study, owner had passed away, and from the look of his belongings, looked like he had been a Marine in WW2 or Korea and was a Democrat. Beats sorting 2 bricks, but I was hoping there would be a roll of silver dimes down the middle!