Call to the Lurkers.

Forum for discussing any topic related to investing in, collecting and saving US, Canadian, UK, and other Copper Bullion Pennies for their metal content.

Call to the Lurkers.

Postby Rodebaugh » Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:17 pm

A note to the lurkers:
Folks, we were all there at one time or another. Browsing the Realcent threads learning, laughing, getting new ideas, ect. Heck I lurked for a year or so before I finally joined. Then it took me another month or two before I started contributing. I think HCBTT even lurked for a day or two. What I am trying to say is this, don’t be nervous about joining and posting. Everyone here plays nice, and there are a bunch of different folks from different backgrounds contributing their distinct knowledge and expertise to make this site a tad better each day. My skill set continues to strengthen on part of the knowledge that is casually passed around here for free. If you have ever had a question, a great find, or some unique outlook that you wish you could have posted it’s time to get off the fence and join.....I might just learn something.

Anyone else want to explain how they found realcent, lurk time, first deals, ect?
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Re: Call to the Lurkers.

Postby rsk1963 » Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:27 pm

Even though I am realitively new to the mix.

Long and the short, I was looking around through google for some silver buying discussion boards. Stumbled on here, liked what I heard in terms of general discussions and that was it.

I very much enjoy the discussions by in large on here. Considering I come from a small town where such discussion just doesnt happen, Realcent is a god send for good discussions about anything political, or coin oriented.

Discourse is welcomed, new ideas are not frowned on :shock: .
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Re: Call to the Lurkers.

Postby TXBullion » Tue Jul 26, 2011 9:40 pm

and pick any name, I went back and forth with a few names, dont let that hold you up! ;)
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Re: Call to the Lurkers.

Postby moparal7 » Tue Jul 26, 2011 9:52 pm

Came across Realcent through a link when checking silver prices. Lurked for 2 months and joined. Amazed by the amount of info on a wide variety of topics. Hoarding cu is cool too.
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Re: Call to the Lurkers.

Postby beauanderos » Tue Jul 26, 2011 10:51 pm

Hoarding copper is affordable for anyone's budget. And when you accumulate more than you want... you can always sell it or swap up the shinier stuff :mrgreen:
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Re: Call to the Lurkers.

Postby AGCoinHunter » Tue Jul 26, 2011 10:56 pm

What do you mean, I still lurk here...
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Re: Call to the Lurkers.

Postby CasualPenny » Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:49 pm

I've been lurking for 6 months. Stumbled on here while researching my silver articles etc. Fell in love with the forum and also the ZEN_LIKE satisfaction I get from sorting a few penny rolls. I normally search up to 20$ a week, not much I know, but my stash is slowly filling the small cabinet. What i really need is someone to sell half of my copper finds to so I can realize some profits now and save the other half longer term. I wish I had more money to sort rolls with!
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Re: Call to the Lurkers.

Postby TheJonasCollegeFund » Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:50 pm

I caught myself lurking at work this morning...I need HELP!
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Re: Call to the Lurkers.

Postby rsk1963 » Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:53 pm

Welcome to the hoard :lol:

Give it some time, it will come along.

Craigslist is a good place to go just dont be dumb about it.
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Re: Call to the Lurkers.

Postby CasualPenny » Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:16 am

This is the local craigslist add i put up a couple days back. No response (except one of those fakes).

I've been sorting my cents. If you know what this means, you know what I mean. I have nowhere to currently sell my rolls of coppers. If you buy, make me an offer. I'm smalltime searcher, but I plan to sort more.

Hopefully that might catch someones eye. I love my LCS and go there whenever i can part with money for an ounce of silver, but I'm too sheepish to ask the shop owner if he buys coppers. IDK why, even though we have a great relationship. WHy am i too sheepish to ask?
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Re: Call to the Lurkers.

Postby Rosco » Wed Jul 27, 2011 2:16 am

:o Many of US are afraid to get laughed at. I'm still stacking an sorting copper happy to get it & 40% when ever I CAN ;)

The Copper is good to hold, I have now Sorted more than I purchased need to break out an buy a couple of Nickels 8-)
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Re: Call to the Lurkers.

Postby NHsorter » Wed Jul 27, 2011 8:28 am

I lurked for about a month before joining. I found the site through Google by searching for coin comparator information. I had no idea that copper pennies were worth so much until I read someones comment at the bottom of a news article. I believe that it was an article about inflation that I linked through either Drudge or CNNFN. I give both sites a scan each morning to try to keep up with political & investment happenings and occasionally I read through the user comments at the end of articles like a zombie. And then I wonder where all my time goes.
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Re: Call to the Lurkers.

Postby Mercuryman » Wed Jul 27, 2011 6:49 pm

Whats up guys, Been lurking this forum for about a month now. I'm a young stacker, only 19 turning 20 in September. Within the last month Ive dived head first into the world of coin roll hunting. I currently have about 60lbs of copper pennies, most of them hand sorted. Luckily i have a friend with a coin comparator so Ive been using that recently. Also Ive been hunting down silver, so far my finds are 5 Rosies, 1 merc, 3 war nickels, and 3 40% halves. Not a lot but for under a month i think its fairly good. I recently found a very interesting 1957 wheat penny that has a dye error, There is a raised surface before Lincolns hair and makes it look sorta looks like a Hat on his head. Took it to my local LCS and they didn't know too much about errors. Ill try to see if i can scan it tonight and post it up. Thanks everyone for all the information you contribute to make this such a great forum.
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Re: Call to the Lurkers.

Postby Mercuryman » Wed Jul 27, 2011 7:03 pm

Well this blows, The stupid scanner doesnt support windows 7....
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Re: Call to the Lurkers.

Postby brandon » Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:30 pm

i found the site on coinflation i clicked on it liked all of the things that i read i lurkd around for almost a year before i joined i have been sorting for three years dont do alot thanks to not having much cash but i am up to 103 dollars face now
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Re: Call to the Lurkers.

Postby John_doe » Thu Jul 28, 2011 2:56 am

I had been hand sorting for two years before joining. I was doing some research and found the motherload. Everything I need to know right here, it's the wikipedia of copper cents. I lurked for about a week, then signed up and bought a ryedale. Haven't looked back.
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Re: Call to the Lurkers.

Postby didou » Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:53 pm

Lurk for more than a year, still caught myself mostly reading and not really contributing to the forums

I found coinflation to see how much the 1942 quarters i had found in circulation was worth, got a link from there to the old forum
and learn much more than the price of my quarter since that :)

Mercuryman wrote:Well this blows, The stupid scanner doesnt support windows 7....

Try VueScan to make old scanner work on new OS,
should work
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Re: Call to the Lurkers.

Postby John_doe » Fri Jul 29, 2011 5:01 am

And for you lurkers, dive in and get your hands dirty. You will learn more, and maybe even teach me and everyone else a thing or two! :D
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Re: Call to the Lurkers.

Postby csb3tennessee » Fri Jul 29, 2011 3:07 pm

I first discovered this site about a year ago when I found a link here from Andy's (Ryedale) website. While I've not posted very much (my knowledge seems to be a bit inferior to that of many others here, so not much I can add), I have learned a lot. And its been entertaining. The one thing that I appreciate about this site compared to other forums that I frequent, is that the folks here are friendly and don't beat you up for holding different opinions or just asking newbie-type questions. That's refreshing.
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Re: Call to the Lurkers.

Postby anarchir » Fri Jul 29, 2011 11:54 pm

I bet I'll start posting more and not lurk so much (reading the forum multiple times daily) if I buy a Ryedale or start sorting at a greater pace. As it is, I barely have time to keep up on the Laundry at home let alone sorting pennies.
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Re: Call to the Lurkers.

Postby CuJoe » Sat Jul 30, 2011 1:11 pm

I've been pulling coppers from my pocket change for the last two years and have ended up with 12 rolls already. I stumbled upon this site today and it only took a few hours of reading to move me from lurker to member!

I went to my main bank branch today and asked if they had boxed rolls of coins. The lady pulled out coin wrappers and was like "You want a box of these things?" I laughed and said "I want a box of those things with pennies IN them...$50 worth...two boxes." She said she would have to put in an order for them, and that they would be in by Thursday. She didn't really ask any questions or give many funny looks. I am excited to get my first two boxes to sort!

This brings me to a question, though. I realize that I am the customer - but what do you guys say if the teller does come out and ask? I am sure it will take me a bit to sort through the two boxes of rolls (I am not ready to dump $500 on a machine yet...I am a rookie and this is just a hobby), but I am sure I am going to get the itch for more, and she will likely ask next time (there are only a couple of girls that work in the branch).
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Re: Call to the Lurkers.

Postby WizardTN » Sat Jul 30, 2011 1:35 pm

Tell them the truth. You're a collector. Just omit what it is that you are sorting for and collecting.
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Re: Call to the Lurkers.

Postby ed_vantage17 » Sat Jul 30, 2011 4:51 pm

WizardTN wrote:Tell them the truth. You're a collector. Just omit what it is that you are sorting for and collecting.

^^This^^. I say I look for old coins. I guess 29 years old is "old" by my definition, but so be it.
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Re: Call to the Lurkers.

Postby HoardCopperByTheTon » Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:28 pm

Rodebaugh wrote:A note to the lurkers:
Folks, we were all there at one time or another. Browsing the Realcent threads learning, laughing, getting new ideas, ect. Heck I lurked for a year or so before I finally joined. Then it took me another month or two before I started contributing. I think HCBTT even lurked for a day or two.

I actually lurked for several months before joining. Didn't have anything to post.. imagine that! :mrgreen:
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Re: Call to the Lurkers.

Postby HPMBTT » Sun Jul 31, 2011 11:54 am

I lurked for several months as well, mostly on the old forum...I found it by doing the usual research on the (bad) state of the economy, what the goobermint was doing, what other countries were doing in the ways of gold (I was overseas to see it firsthand), how to protect my wealth and so on. Of course, the old forum led me to the new forum and the rest is history. :)
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