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What do you do with so many pennies??
Fri Jul 29, 2011 7:18 pm
by stonewallrabbitry
This was only my second time picking up a my order of pennies (3 boxes) and the vault manager asked "if you don't mind me asking, What do you do with so many pennies", I said my cousin is autistic and I got him penny books to collect pennies so he has somthing to do. It wasn't a lie, I just left out the part about me sorting and keeping the coopers. She did't seem to mind and I asked if it was a problem for me to get three boxes every week, she said "it's not problem at all, just let me know when to stop ordering them"
I am expecting her to ask what I do with all the ones he doesn't need, any ideas on what to say? I was just thiking of telling her that I dump them in coinstar
Re: What do you do with so many pennies??
Fri Jul 29, 2011 7:33 pm
by Rodebaugh
stonewallrabbitry wrote:This was only my second time picking up a my order of pennies (3 boxes) and the vault manager asked "if you don't mind me asking, What do you do with so many pennies", I said my cousin is autistic and I got him penny books to collect pennies so he has somthing to do. It wasn't a lie, I just left out the part about me sorting and keeping the coopers. She did't seem to mind and I asked if it was a problem for me to get three boxes every week, she said "it's not problem at all, just let me know when to stop ordering them"
I am expecting her to ask what I do with all the ones he doesn't need, any ideas on what to say? I was just thiking of telling her that I dump them in coinstar
Sounds good to me. I think you have it covered. $75 / week is a solid amount too.
Keep stack'n
Re: What do you do with so many pennies??
Fri Jul 29, 2011 7:40 pm
by hobo finds
stonewallrabbitry wrote:This was only my second time picking up a my order of pennies (3 boxes) and the vault manager asked "if you don't mind me asking, What do you do with so many pennies", I said my cousin is autistic and I got him penny books to collect pennies so he has somthing to do. It wasn't a lie, I just left out the part about me sorting and keeping the coopers. She did't seem to mind and I asked if it was a problem for me to get three boxes every week, she said "it's not problem at all, just let me know when to stop ordering them"
, any ideas on what to say?I am expecting her to ask what I do with all the ones he doesn't need I was just thiking of telling her that I dump them in coinstar
Tell her you are saving them for your retirement fund!
Cheeper than the coinstar fee!
Re: What do you do with so many pennies??
Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:07 pm
by barrytrot
At $75/week you can safely just say, "I'm a collector" and they won't bat an eye. That has worked for me every time. They say, "oh you find ones that are special." "Yes". I saw.
Oh: But don't say, "I look for copper". That is a red flag to some less informed people. Just say, "you collect coins". Enough said.
Re: What do you do with so many pennies??
Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:46 pm
by Morsecode
That vault manager sounds awesome. I haven't tried the weekly ordering system yet, but I should. I guess I'm afraid that one particular week I may have already squandered my play money on some good deal elsewhere and end up leaving them holding the bag, as it were.
Re: What do you do with so many pennies??
Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:57 pm
by stonewallrabbitry
The vault manager seems nice and does not seem to mind getting me pennies, I told her if it wa a problem I would take less but she said it was fine. I think the standing order makes it more comfortable, I walked in and she said " you are here for pennies, i will go get them". I also think that it being a small branch helps, I have been going in on friday evenings and so far each time I was the only customer there.
I always keep my zincs from the week prior so that if I run short on money I can always dump them befor making my pick up. I think I got a late start sorting compared to the rest of you so hopefully I can get a hoard befor the coppers thin out to much. From my last three boxes I had 6.1 pound copper,5.6 pound copper, 4.8 pound copper. Also they had 12,15 and 25 wheats
Re: What do you do with so many pennies??
Fri Jul 29, 2011 9:20 pm
by Economist
Ha ha, I get that a lot, too. Not so much from the tellers anymore, but from other people in line at the bank. They ask, "how long did it take you to get all those pennies?" Me: "Oh, quite awhile!"
Just remember to treat your tellers well, and they'll be good to you.
Re: What do you do with so many pennies??
Fri Jul 29, 2011 10:39 pm
by ember
My excuse was that I have a disabled father-inlaw and I pick up pennies wherever I can for him to sort through. Most of the replies I get are, "Ah, how sweet... I guess we will be seeing all the pennies he doesn't want then?" I tell them no, they will not be returned to "their" branch.
The last couple of boxes I picked up was at a bank I am not a member of. I asked to purchase two boxes. They agreed. They then went and got them from the vault, and then finally asked if I was a member. I told them I wasn't and then they pretty much told me not to come back if I wasn't a member, but since they already had the boxes out, they would sell them to me. So far I have found it easier to dump than pick up in my area.
Re: What do you do with so many pennies??
Sat Jul 30, 2011 3:23 am
by GTOJohn
don't forget cookies and candy at times !!!
Re: What do you do with so many pennies??
Sat Jul 30, 2011 9:00 am
by misteroman
I actually took pics and put them on my phone to show ppl finally! You should see the reactions when I show then 2+ tons of copper sitting in five talon buckets and then another few thousand $'s of unopened boxes sitting next them! Good conversation starter for sure.
Re: What do you do with so many pennies??
Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:46 am
by appjoe
My bank has no problem getting me what ever I want. They made it perfectly clear when I started ordering them not to bring any back or they would stop ordering them for me. So just set up pickup banks and dump banks. I'm up to 5 different checking accounts now with ATM cards and everytime I dump I will deposit a little then use the card for gas or groceries. They don't seem to mind when I make a deposit.
Re: What do you do with so many pennies??
Sat Jul 30, 2011 2:24 pm
by Corsair
Someone earlier said the golden rule. Be kind to tellers, and most of the time, they'll return the favor. I've found that answering with an honest reply, like, "I'm a collector," or "I'm trying to build a collection," is usually received well. When someone else asks me however, like another customer in the bank or something like that, I smile real big and say, "Oh, believe me. You do not want to know." And that seems to do the trick.
Re: What do you do with so many pennies??
Sat Jul 30, 2011 3:13 pm
by slickeast
I don't get asked so much about picking them up. I almost always get asked by another customer when I am dumping into the machine. #1 question. "How long did it take you to save that many?" My answer. " A couple of days"
Usually I try to come up with a stupid answer and just keep dumping. I want them to leave thinking that I am some weird penny guy.
Re: What do you do with so many pennies??
Sun Jul 31, 2011 6:02 pm
by NDFarmer
slickeast wrote: I want them to leave thinking that I am some weird penny guy.
My supply banks and dump banks already think that.
My main supply bank knows I am sorting copper. But if I get questioned by any new banks I just tell them I am looking for wheat pennies. Which isn't a total lie because I DO look for them when I am sorting.
Re: What do you do with so many pennies??
Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:00 pm
by exbingoaddict
Happy tellers are key. They are often your major supplier. If they smile when you come into the branch, you're golden. Gift certificates, baked goods, flowers, etc. Kind words and a few dollars spent on a teller is the lubricant on the rails for penny train.
Re: What do you do with so many pennies??
Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:16 pm
by CuJoe
Gift certificates, baked goods, flowers, etc. for the tellers are also a pretty good way to add to your restraining order stack
Re: What do you do with so many pennies??
Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:44 pm
by thaler
I really think the key in my success at banks here, is I go into the bank and ask for twenty bucks worth of pennies. Eight banks within 1 mile radius, that I don't even have an account at. My personal bank is the only one that I ask for "boxes". I can get eight "boxes" a day, spread out over nine banks/branches that are within 1 mile of my home. Sweet huh?
Re: What do you do with so many pennies??
Wed Aug 03, 2011 2:07 pm
by Cu Later
when i first started i was hand sorting and re rolling maybe half to get some more then dumping into coinstar for groceries, lowes, and amazon. just bought a tesoro compadre 4 any u detectors out there. my very first 1 paid all in zinc. maybe it will find me gold. thats better than turning lead into gold. lol. thanks to this sight i learned how to dump. so after i got my ryedale i started calling all the local banks and came up with a few but only 1 with free counting. the others accepted bag but i didnt know where to get them or how yet. u start to notice the coinstar fee when u start gettin up there and there wasnt enuf or anything i needed at the time from no fee cards. the teller assured me any amount was ok. so i started and account and rolled in "thank god they had a cart" what turned out to be 430$ the exec boss lady from upstairs came down all steamed "this is gonna have to be a 1 time deal" i drop about 50 ish every time now. i also do the bags and the coinstar fee free cards.