First Dump on New Bank Route
Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:26 pm
So I'm wending my way along a new route of four branches of Union Bank, which all have coin counters. I don't like to dump more than $100 in one place... even though they attempt (half-heartedly) to convince you that that would be fine. First stop... no problemos, took twelve minutes (they have to change bags out when filled with $25). Second stop... more of same. Third stop... chatty male teller who decided I was his friend. Put one bag of $50 thru and machine goes nutso (no, there weren't three red 7's lined up) spewing quarters like the payoff on a one-armed bandit. They're rolling all over the floor. What does he do? He starts scooping them up and throwing them on top of my pennies. I dunno... maybe he thought I was destitute, dependent on my last two bags of pennies to secure shelter and a meal for the night. At any rate, I wasn't about to argue with him. Finally the stream slows to a trickle and he opens up the counter, and starts running his finger down a track that was jamming. Out come more quarters, as well as a couple of keys. He says "you got lucky, there's probably ten dollars or so in there." I told him "thanks, I owe you lunch." No problem, says he. I look at the tag, which should have read $100, plus or minus a cent or two. Cha ching... over $155! Is this karma or what? Yesterday I gave a bum fifteen dollars, and I get payback the next day? Way cool