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4500 lb hand sorted

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 10:48 pm
by Dan the Relentless
Hello I have been sorting pennies and nickels since I was young, long before zincs were even thought of. I did 4500 lbs hand sorting. I had help opening rolls and my kids would turn them over so I could search faster. 1 1/2 years ago I got a Ryedale I am up to 1200 lbs total now. I started getting bags of pennies almost the same time. I like the bags alot better but I seem to get alot of jams with stuff in the bags. I do like running this machine. I do pennies everyday except Wed and Sat when we do dimes and halves and other coins off counters. I have 8 bank accounts and am thinking of getting another with another carrier but its 70miles away. I just hit 100 indian heads , 27 coming out of 1 bag. 2 1909 s lots of early dates. The bags sometimes have lots of wheats but average 10 per $50 bag.My son does $9500 in dimes a week 2 weeks ago found a 1916 $1 gold coin a Mckinnley memorial. I am tempted to really step up pennies or dimes. I would really like to somehow do this full time. I think when the melt ban is lifted it will be harder to get pennies . Scrap places will buy them so there would be an unlimited market for them. I use 55 gal barrels putting them in 50lb bags getting 32 bags per. A coin dealer I know thinks this is not a good idea but I must think it is it's the only thing to invest in at less than market price. I think sometime copper will really take off . I am not a computer person had to have my son sign up for email to sign up here. I need to get back to my pennies. Dan

Re: 4500 lb hand sorted

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:00 pm
by BlackOut
welcome to the board. which carrier? 70 miles is quite a drive, better have some good finds for that...

Re: 4500 lb hand sorted

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:04 pm
by slow to learn
Thats very inpressive Dan! I would love to ask you some qeustions , I just started sorting! You search dimes for silver, what is your adverage per box? Halves seem hard to get the banks dont seem very helpful with them. How do you get your halves?

Re: 4500 lb hand sorted

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:32 pm
by Mercuryman
Did you say you found the gold coin in pennies? Sorry your sentence sort of runs into the next.

Re: 4500 lb hand sorted

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:51 am
by beauanderos
Conga rats Noob! Them's some impressive stats. :D And INCREDIBLE find on that gold piece! :mrgreen: What area do you search in? :?

Re: 4500 lb hand sorted

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 7:48 am
by Dan the Relentless
I am from the mid west. I like to think our average on dimes is 1 per box or 4 per $1000 bag, sometimes get less sometimes get a lot more. The gold coin came from a bag of dimes. The carrier is not Brinks and its not the same Guarda that I use close by . I used to get halves there from a local bank until they stopped it, I like to think there is lots of silver there. I don't really want to drive that far but I might. In the 1940's my grandmother found a 2 1/2 dollar gold coin in a roll of pennies. She started me looking for coins when I was very young. Dan

Re: 4500 lb hand sorted

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 8:43 am
by mtalbot_ca
Great to have you on board. :P

Re: 4500 lb hand sorted

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:37 am
by slow to learn
I do ask alot of dumb qestions but that how I process my information. Anyway do you buy cions directly though places like brinks? I thought the only place to get them were though banks or am I not understanding when you say carriers how are carriers? Thanks! Soon Ill run out of dumb questions! :mrgreen:

Re: 4500 lb hand sorted

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:43 am
by Lemon Thrower
Dan the Relentless wrote:I am tempted to really step

wow, i can't imagine how much you would be doing if you stepped things up.

a couple of thoughts.

i think silver and gold will outperform copper.

bank accounts are going to start having fees.

halves give you the best percentages. of course, if you are talking about driving 70 miles to a bank, you might quickly end up re-searching the same halves.

Re: 4500 lb hand sorted

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:28 pm
by Dan the Relentless
I get my coins from alot of different banks. When I say I get Brinks I mean thats what the bank has. I am thinking about talking to Brinks about getting and dumping bigger amounts. I thought I heard if you have a tax number they will, I don't know does anyone know? Dan

Re: 4500 lb hand sorted

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:31 pm
by slow to learn
Dan, do you sell any of your pennies you sort for an income? Or do you save them all? I was wondering what I sould do? Thanks Bryan! :idea:

Re: 4500 lb hand sorted

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:16 pm
by BlackOut
a tax ID# would probably just mean having a business acct which would probably have associated fees.

Re: 4500 lb hand sorted

PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 8:53 am
by Dan the Relentless
I have never sold any pennies. I hope I am doing a wise thing by saving so many. My goal is 25,000 lbs. Sometimes I wish I would have bought alot more gold, I bought a small pile at $500 per ounce. I like silver , we sort almost $20,000 a week in dimes and halves , nickels and quarters only off banks counters. We have almost 10,000 silver coins doing this. I think the pennies are so much work I would like to see the price alot higher before I would ever sell. Dan

Re: 4500 lb hand sorted

PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 12:43 pm
by slow to learn
Dan, how do you get halves? M y bank says I have to order them in and they would have to charge a fee for shipping? Is this right? I havnt tryed any other banks yet! And what do you mean off bank counters? Thanks Bryan 10,000 silver cions by doing this that is increadible, GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and @ amost zero cost while the rest of us are buying silver above melt! :roll: How long did it take you to get 10,000?

Re: 4500 lb hand sorted

PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 4:29 pm
by mflugher
Wow 4500 lb thats quite impressive.

Re: 4500 lb hand sorted

PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 9:29 pm
by Dan the Relentless
For $4000 a week in halves I have been paying $10 for over 4 years. Only a few times I didn't break even, lots of time barely . All my other Halves and dimes and pennies they order for free , I stop at alot of different banks to get the rest. It took alot of years to get the silver coins. 4 banks save me their bags of coins off of their coin counters. I stop weekly along with my route for regular orders. Dumped $11600 today, got 36 silver dimes, 1 90% half and 6 40% halves. Got to hit the pennies again. Dan

Re: 4500 lb hand sorted

PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 9:46 pm
by RichardPenny43

Re: 4500 lb hand sorted

PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 9:50 pm
by twentybux
Impressive stats and of course...welcome to the insanity to which there is no cure! :lol:

Re: 4500 lb hand sorted

PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 9:57 pm
by slow to learn
Hey Dan thanks for answering all my questions, you have helped me a tone Thanks alot again Bryan~ :)

Re: 4500 lb hand sorted

PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 11:32 pm
by Dan the Relentless
I dump at alot of banks but my main one years ago I called them and told them what I do they said bring in as much as you want. It started smaller I kept asking how much is too much , they kept saying it doesn't matter. They order the bulk of my pennies and dimes too on Wed and take them right back Thur. I tell them they are my favorite bank and they seem almost honored to be. The manager gave me my cart. I give them chocolate every week and every year my mom bakes them a cake decorated saying thank you. I offered to buy empty bags for them, and they said they couldn't. I show them all my finds , I really like them alot. I have given them indian head pennies and some silver coins for thanks. Dan

Re: 4500 lb hand sorted

PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 2:36 pm
by schockergd
I was going to ask about Guarda/Brinks for dumping pennies back in , but it seems like that may have already been brought up :D

Re: 4500 lb hand sorted

PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 11:49 pm
by BlackOut
Dan the Relentless wrote:I dump at alot of banks but my main one years ago I called them and told them what I do they said bring in as much as you want. It started smaller I kept asking how much is too much , they kept saying it doesn't matter. They order the bulk of my pennies and dimes too on Wed and take them right back Thur. I tell them they are my favorite bank and they seem almost honored to be. The manager gave me my cart. I give them chocolate every week and every year my mom bakes them a cake decorated saying thank you. I offered to buy empty bags for them, and they said they couldn't. I show them all my finds , I really like them alot. I have given them indian head pennies and some silver coins for thanks. Dan

empty bags?

Re: 4500 lb hand sorted

PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 11:40 am
by Dan the Relentless
I offered to buy them the plastic bags for their counter. They go threw alot of them for me. They said don't worry about it. Got a 1909 VDB last night , thats the 5th one. since I don,t really know my percentages does that mean I should sort more?