First "real" pickup!

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First "real" pickup!

Postby CoolRide » Thu Sep 15, 2011 2:52 am

Hello all!

Been getting a few rolls here and a box of pennies there but opened an account at our Bank of A. the other day with the purpose of getting pennies. First order of 12 boxes came in today we called ahead of time (though I only live across the street) and they had em ready on a cart for me. No problems. We asked if there is any way to make it any easier for them but they said "whatever we want to do".

My wife asked if we should take the coins back there or somewhere else and again they said whatever we wanted to do. So I am going to ask the big wheel there (I forget her name) about bank bags and weight and see if we can do something that way. I know B of A will do this in other places. So we will see. If we could just deposit bags (of zink of course) to our account, I think I would give Mr Ryedale a call again.

At first I wanted a Ryedale sooo bad, but I am actually finding hand sorting to be a lot of fun and gives me a chance to learn more about them, as I consider this (for me) more coin collecting than anything else.

However as I'm sure you all know, counting and rolling is like 9 kinds of suck in a 8 suck bag! So I will probably end up getting a sorter/counter one of these days. Been looking on ebay for an old hand crank type unit but they seem to cost quite a bit more than I would like to spend.

Anyway, just wanted to let all you know, our first "real" pickup went pretty good.

The old Subaru was a bit bouncy with over 200 pounds of pennies in the back lol :D

Just saving money.

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Re: First "real" pickup!

Postby NHsorter » Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:05 am

You might want to try to find a different bank to dump at. They are being friendly right now, but you will probably wear out your welcome in short order if you pick up and dump at the same place in volume. I know that there are some on here that are lucky enough to be able to do that, but I think that the majority of RCers will attest to this probably not ending well.

If this BOA branch does end up agreeing to take bags of zincs from you, then you probably should just make that your dump bank and try to find another source for boxes because that is the easy part. Finding someone to accept my bags has been the hardest thing for me.

Happy sorting!!
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Re: First "real" pickup!

Postby tinhorn » Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:44 am

If you're hand-sorting, I wouldn't worry about getting bags. It's different if you're trying to keep up with a Ryedale, but you risk muddying a fine new banking relationship by asking for more right away. I've sorted maybe a couple bags that I lucked into, and frankly, it's not worth the hassle. I found much more garbage in bags than rolls (although I've had some pretty skanky rolls, too!), and I have no trouble keeping up with my Ryedale when I open rolls.

If you're fortunate, you'll find a few banks where you can dump your zincs without rerolling them.
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Re: First "real" pickup!

Postby JobIII » Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:39 pm

just go for it. If you don't ask you won't know. by the way your car really should be able to handle that weight easy.

My car was really having a fun time with 60 boxes and 25 highway miles...
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Re: First "real" pickup!

Postby CoolRide » Fri Sep 16, 2011 3:57 am

My wife was depositing her check at our original bank yesterday at lunch time at the walk up atm when this women comes out saying "mam, were you the one interested in the pennies?" wife says "yes" Bank lady says "we talked to (whoever they needed to) and they said we could order you $200 a month if thats ok"? and my wonderful wife said, Why yes, that would be great thank you". Then my wife asked if we should take them back there, or somewhere else, and the bank lady said, its fine to take them back there just do it on Tue as they ship out on Wed and don't have much storage space. Sounds like a nice deal to me. She said they just don't make anything of of us getting the pennies (duh) but they still HAVE to get them for us. Weird.

Speaking of weird, I cant figure out a good segway into this so I will just jump right in with both feet as per usual.

My mom died yesterday at home, at 4.45 pm of cancer, I was there holding her hands, she was 73.

I Know it's weird, especially for a coin forum, but I still feel a need to say it, sorry.

Just saving money.

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Re: First "real" pickup!

Postby fasteddy » Fri Sep 16, 2011 7:59 am

Sorry to hear about your Mother, sometimes it feels better when you say it out loud or communicate with someone else. I'm sure you were where you needed to be. God Bless.
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Re: First "real" pickup!

Postby JobIII » Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:10 pm

I don't know anyone on here personally. But a lot of RC members know one another. Which makes for a nice community of like-minded individuals. What i'm trying to say is people share all kinds of experiences here and it doesn't just have to be about coins.

I'm sorry to hear about your loss.

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Re: First "real" pickup!

Postby ScottyTX » Sat Sep 17, 2011 12:16 am

Thanks for the inspiration. I finally stopped into my local BOA and get I love this line......We can order as many as you want :) So naturally I behave myself as numbers like 300, 500, 1000 and such start rolling through my head. I said is 300.00 too much a week?? No not at all. Now to be fair, most of them know me from grabbing a box a week from them so.......might of had an advantage for the kindness. Ummm time to find another dump bank now as well, geeze this almost seems like work!!

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Re: First "real" pickup!

Postby Thogey » Sat Sep 17, 2011 12:32 am

Welcome aboard Sammy,

That was a very intimate item you shared with us.

May God bless your mother and may He have mercy on her soul.

I'm totally choked up right now as I know what it's like.

That was an awesome privilege to be able hold your Mom's hand as she passed.

It's a metal forum yes, but this place is heavy.
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Re: First "real" pickup!

Postby CoolRide » Sat Sep 17, 2011 11:49 pm

Scottytx, yes it's starting to seem like work to me too! But its still fun though, and having a bank that is happy to TAKE our pennies (as long as its on Tue, lol) makes it a little easier.

Thank you so much guys!

She is not in pain anymore, and she was happy to have me there. She was sad that my brother and 2 sisters were not interested though.

She was brave and I told her all the time, she stayed at home with no doctors, (hospice would come in once a week toward the end) no feeding tube, DNR, she chose to stay there, in her living room till the end. I stayed nights out there so dad could catch some z's from midnight till 5, then he was on his own till I woke up about noon and went back out there, till my wife got off at 6pm then I would go into town pick her up and bring her back out to their place, then take her back into work in the morning.

She (mom) decided to quit eating about a month ago telling me "we all know the score here, I ain't gettin any better so I want to get it over with" she was in pain and she had a very high pain threshold, always seemed to me anyway.

I am VERY lucky to have had her AND been around (I'm 41) all these years. I do know many people that lost 1 or both of their parents WAY before me.

I am not dumb and I knew she was not immortal, but I still cry.

Thanks again, I appreciate it.


Edit to say She was diagnosed in Feb, and given 4 to 6 months. She didn't tell me untill May Friday the 13th.
So she did hang in there longer than the docs said. Also they celebrated their 48th wedding anniversary July the 4th and I was so grateful (as were they Im sure) that they were able to catch the Last one
PS Also I'm sorry for those of you that have had loses. I am trying to learn to tell people SOMETHING as even if it comes out goofy, people just want to know you care.
Just saving money.

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Re: First "real" pickup!

Postby 68Camaro » Sun Sep 18, 2011 8:45 am

Very sorry for your loss. I'm very glad you were there for your mom's passing, and that you invested that time and energy in being there for her at her end. It meant the world to her, I know.

Don't be too hard on your siblings - no idea what is going on in your family, but many people aren't well equipped for death and don't know how to deal with it. I was there for my mom's death 10 years ago (in 3 weeks). Dad couldn't handle it. The hospice nurse had given me a heads-up that it was time and to get there (from 2000 miles away - I had been commuting back and forth every 3 weeks). Mom was unconscious (had been for several days) but he (the nurse) told me she could still hear me, and that she was waiting for me to get there to die. To talk to her and tell her it was ok to go now. Dad couldn't handle it, so I told him it was fine if he went home and rested. I think he felt guilty for it, but also a weird sense of relief for him at the same time. I talked to her, she died a half hour later. Dad passed away last year (two weeks ago) and was always grateful that I could be there for her when he was having issues with it. I'm an only child, and for most of us eventually our parents die before we do, so for those with siblings, keep your siblings in your life if you can - they will be your closest connections with your parents and past.
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Re: First "real" pickup!

Postby aristobolus » Sun Sep 18, 2011 2:16 pm

CoolRide wrote:My wife was depositing her check at our original bank yesterday at lunch time at the walk up atm when this women comes out saying "mam, were you the one interested in the pennies?" wife says "yes" Bank lady says "we talked to (whoever they needed to) and they said we could order you $200 a month if thats ok"? and my wonderful wife said, Why yes, that would be great thank you". Then my wife asked if we should take them back there, or somewhere else, and the bank lady said, its fine to take them back there just do it on Tue as they ship out on Wed and don't have much storage space. Sounds like a nice deal to me. She said they just don't make anything of of us getting the pennies (duh) but they still HAVE to get them for us. Weird.

Speaking of weird, I cant figure out a good segway into this so I will just jump right in with both feet as per usual.

My mom died yesterday at home, at 4.45 pm of cancer, I was there holding her hands, she was 73.

I Know it's weird, especially for a coin forum, but I still feel a need to say it, sorry.


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May God grant you comfort in your loss.

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Re: First "real" pickup!

Postby CoolRide » Wed Sep 21, 2011 12:18 pm

Thanks again guys (and gal(s)? lol
We really do appreciate the kind words. We are starting to pull ourselves back together, my wife went back to work yesterday, and my dad just honked as I type, (we live in a small town) so he must have gone back to his mowing business.

I'm sure it will be a long time before I don't think of her or want to pick up the phone to tell her something, but we all go through it, and she is not suffering, thats the main thing I am happy about. It may sound bad and I don't mean ANY disrespect to my mom, but she had lung cancer (5 types) and it hurt! So I am glad where ever she is, she is happier I hope.

Just saving money.

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