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Real Wealth??

PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 7:15 am
by Michcool125
I do sorting too and I'm just wondering what you guys think you will get out of it in the future.

Is it reasonable to subscribe to the theory that once it catches on how rare silver is that laws of supply and demand will kick in and silver spot will be very high to better reflect it's scarce value, that copper will be the next metal people will look for to protect wealth and cooper will be used as money like gold and silver?

If any of you think that, or dont, how many of you think you will get any real wealth out of hoarding copper for whatever reason?

Re: Real Wealth??

PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 7:46 am
by 68Camaro
Ultimately I'm not expecting wealth, I'm doing this for savings preservation (and security). FRNs (this is well known to be is a fundamental tenent of this site) are intrinsicly worthless. I need FRNs to exist in the here and now, because that remains the common trade unit, but that has to change. Exactly how it will change is an unknown, but investing in FRNs for their sake is not a plan. Long-term investment only has meaning, in today's environment, in tangibles. Real estate, or commodities. The most exchangable, preservable, commodity is value metals, and those include precious metals, and higher value base metals.

If wealth comes from it eventually, or ability to help others in tough times, (or both) that's a bonus.

Re: Real Wealth??

PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 9:48 am
by SoFa
I just do it because I think the price of copper will go up eventually and the US will stop making pennies. There's somewhat of a hobby aspect to it as well. It's that simple. I don't get in to the FRN / doomsday debates because it is way too complicated.

To me it makes sense to diversify and keep some assets in different metals as well as stocks, real estate, etc.

Re: Real Wealth??

PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 10:02 am
by theshoenlebens
SoFa, I agree with you. I sort and keep all the copper, look thru those for wheats and stick them away.
I figure my pennies are worth 1 cent now, possibly more later. I'm not really counting on them to be worth more but if so< :D >.
I also starting collect different coins for their value but as much for their beauty and age. I look at a older coin and think of some the events that has happened since it was minted. If the value increases that is cool but I like them for their link to the past.

Re: Real Wealth??

PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 10:45 pm
by xpred558
I do it because its alot of fun and i felt led in my heart that this was something i needed to be doing and i needed a ryedale to do in bulk plus it like a little savings account. God Bless

Re: Real Wealth??

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 7:10 pm
by Cu Penny Hoarder
My reasons for hoarding Cu pennies:

1. Fun hobby (wheaties, and other goodies)
2. It's free money
3. Watching hard work pay off, especially when Cu breaks out of the $4.00- 4.50/lb range.


4. It's fun to watch my friendly bank teller(s) become increasingly annoyed as I ask for yet ANOTHER box of pennies.

Re: Real Wealth??

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 10:52 pm
by RichardPenny43
It's a hobby (obsession), that most likely will yield a profit in the end, if not FV is FV and that means zero risk. My goal is one ton, $3,000 FV. What will a ton of Cu be worth in the future? I think well over $10,000.

Re: Real Wealth??

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 11:42 pm
by adagirl
I agree with folks on here. For me it is fun, and it is a method to preserve wealth. I don't expect to get rich, but with the nice goverment men debasing the value of the FRN and pending hyperinflation it is nice to have this forum and a means to protect what you have earned via metals. Most won't protect themselves, and will watch their purchasing power erode even further, along with their paper stocks, and they won't really quite understand the fundamentals of 'what happened.'

Re: Real Wealth??

PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 10:19 am
by silverflake
No doubt this is pretty fun stuff. I (and my boys) sort by hand. The finding of wheats, Canadian, dimes and other foreign goodies is rewarding. Plus except for the face value losing buying power due to inflation, you don't lose anything due to 'investment value' (or lack thereof). Also, it creates good info for conversation with all of you folks. Finally, we kind of feel like the insiders of a little club with some secret information that the public is not privy to yet. We truly are the insiders, the smart money, if you will. It's all good.

Re: Real Wealth??

PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 5:39 pm
by Common Cents
I firmly believe that copper will see increased investor demand, as silver becomes increasingly unaffordable to the masses. When silver is over $100 per oz, copper will start to see increased demand. Other than maybe nickel, what other metal stands next in line after silver, other than copper? And don't forget, that as fiat currencies continue to debase themselves, the cost of real commodities like fuel will go up as well, making the cost of copper production rise considerably. These increased production costs will also dovetail with the continuing depletion of the readily available copper reserves, which forces companies into extracting ore that is deeper in the ground, or is located further away from existing infrastructure. Another factor is the increasing demand for alternatives to carbon-based fuel sources. Wind turbines, solar panels, fuel cells and other clean energy sources all require some copper wiring in their construction. I see a very bright future for the red metal, and am holding on tightly to my stash!

Re: Real Wealth??

PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 5:48 pm
by Common Cents
adagirl wrote:I agree with folks on here. For me it is fun, and it is a method to preserve wealth. I don't expect to get rich, but with the nice goverment men debasing the value of the FRN and pending hyperinflation it is nice to have this forum and a means to protect what you have earned via metals. Most won't protect themselves, and will watch their purchasing power erode even further, along with their paper stocks, and they won't really quite understand the fundamentals of 'what happened.'

What you say is accurate, but I think what you're failing to envision is the fact that those who failed to preserve their wealth will be forced to liquidate their property in order to be able to afford life's essentials, making it a buyer's market for many asset classes. This is when you'll be really glad that you have tangible assets to trade for property being sold at fire-sale prices. In this type of economic environment, the well-positioned can leapfrog ahead of others that were previously perched higher on the socio-economic ladder. So in relative terms, it is quite possible to considerably increase your wealth by holding copper.

Re: Real Wealth??

PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 9:35 pm
by balz
Common Cents wrote:
adagirl wrote:I agree with folks on here. For me it is fun, and it is a method to preserve wealth. I don't expect to get rich, but with the nice goverment men debasing the value of the FRN and pending hyperinflation it is nice to have this forum and a means to protect what you have earned via metals. Most won't protect themselves, and will watch their purchasing power erode even further, along with their paper stocks, and they won't really quite understand the fundamentals of 'what happened.'

What you say is accurate, but I think what you're failing to envision is the fact that those who failed to preserve their wealth will be forced to liquidate their property in order to be able to afford life's essentials, making it a buyer's market for many asset classes. This is when you'll be really glad that you have tangible assets to trade for property being sold at fire-sale prices. In this type of economic environment, the well-positioned can leapfrog ahead of others that were previously perched higher on the socio-economic ladder. So in relative terms, it is quite possible to considerably increase your wealth by holding copper.

I agree with this.

But I say: GET A GUN.

Fire sales are rarely pretty.

Re: Real Wealth??

PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 9:52 pm
by Hawkeye
For me, it's an enjoyable hobby that really doesn't cost me anything. Hand sorting pennies gives me something semi-productive to do when I watch tv. And I do hope to see some sort of profit at some point in the future. Worst case scenario, I have a bunch of pennies/copper, both of which always have value. Best case scenario, I get rich. And any kind of hard money is better than fiat.

Re: Real Wealth??

PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 9:55 pm
by hammerrob
If financial armegedeon occurs I'm not sure any stash of copper pennies is going to be enough to keep my head above water (hopefully we never have to find out).

I prefer to look at copper as a useful natural resource that is becoming increasingly scarce relative to demand. Here we are in what I consider year 3 of a global economic recession and copper is still holding firm near all-time highs. Now imagine 5-10 years from now and the global economy finally starts to get on track. So the developed world along with the billions of people in China, India, Brazil, etc. start demanding a lot more of all the things that use copper. When pennies are worth 5-10x face I don't know if you'll be wealthy, but you'll have a hard time imagining making easier money.

Re: Real Wealth??

PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 10:36 pm
by balz
I got about 1,000 pounds of copper... Now I am into silver. Copper is a backup plan. Silver is the main thing. But next thing I need is a gun.

Re: Real Wealth??

PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 10:41 am
by silverflake
Question for all of you. We talk in this thread of 'Real Wealth' and we are all in agreement, I think, that PMs and even copper and nickel are good tangible assets to hold in place of FRNs. I even believe gold and silver will increase greatly in value. But one thing I believe is another important piece of real wealth is land. I have read between the lines on many of these boards that some of own good pieces of land. I want to also. Is there a thread somewhere discussing how to purchase land etc? Should I start a new subject in a different forum? Any info would be appreciated.

Re: Real Wealth??

PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 11:04 am
by Mossy
Wealthy families own land in many different areas, and not just for the ego of it. These, like FerFAL says, are also bugout locations, and in other countries as well as whatever country you live in. Them paying for themselves is a bonus. Land "owned" by trust funds is also a good way to pass wealth to decendents, bypassing the tax man, at least in the US. Some other countries have other laws.

Re: Real Wealth??

PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 12:28 pm
by CoolRide
Hawkeye wrote:For me, it's an enjoyable hobby that really doesn't cost me anything. Hand sorting pennies gives me something semi-productive to do when I watch tv. And I do hope to see some sort of profit at some point in the future. Worst case scenario, I have a bunch of pennies/copper, both of which always have value. Best case scenario, I get rich. And any kind of hard money is better than fiat.

Hawkeye said it for me.