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So I went to rehab.......

Fri Sep 30, 2011 12:35 am
by John_doe
For my addiction, and I'm happy to say I've been clean for over a month now. I still get the itch to cave in sometimes but I'm going strong. They told me talking about it would help me to cope. I have to admit I still have a pile of the stuff just lying around taunting me. I think I'm going to fall off the wagon.
I'm talking of course about my copper sorting addiction. I NEED this again.
I'm back in the game. As of this moment. I'll be back on the hand sorting team, but oh well.
Re: So I went to rehab.......

Fri Sep 30, 2011 9:21 am
by NHsorter
John_doe wrote:They told me talking about it would help me to cope.
The more I talk about it here, the worse my addiction gets. Without RC guidance I would still be a recreational user. But the peer pressure here has really got me in deep. You all are a terrible bunch of enablers!
Re: So I went to rehab.......

Fri Sep 30, 2011 10:02 am
by TXBullion
Then you start pushing the stuff left and right. Buying selling buying more....
Re: So I went to rehab.......

Fri Sep 30, 2011 10:57 am
by Chief
I'm going to stop after next week's pickups, then pick up sorting again in 2012. I'd keep going, but the time and money spent of this really adds up.
2011, my first year of sorting for copper, has been awesome. I've learned so much, bought a Ryedale, improved my process, and sorted a ton of coppers.
Thanks realcent.
Re: So I went to rehab.......

Fri Sep 30, 2011 12:11 pm
by dakota1955
that what friends are for
Re: So I went to rehab.......

Fri Sep 30, 2011 2:03 pm
by exbingoaddict
It's ok that you're an addict. Some of openly admit we're addicts. Such as me (hence the name), I'm a recovering whitman bingo addict. (If you google that term, you'll find my story). I say recovering because I just buy nicer grade items for Dansco Cent, Nickel,Dime, and type albums.
Re: So I went to rehab.......

Fri Sep 30, 2011 5:39 pm
by pennyguy
I to have this addiction.My wife has recently been finding
my stashes in my shop, basement, van, etc
I just tell her I dont know where that stuff came from

Re: So I went to rehab.......

Fri Sep 30, 2011 6:48 pm
by appjoe
You know you have a addiction when your 3 year old grandson says to his grandmother. " Where's pop pop at the bank"
Re: So I went to rehab.......

Sat Oct 01, 2011 7:45 am
by hirbonzig
Some signals that you might be living with a copper cent addict...
1) He always has dirty finger tips.
2) You hear strange noises from the basement or garage at odd hours.
2a) Those sounds could be mechanical or most likley a maniacal laugh.
3) Little bits of coin roll paper on his shirt.
4) Tupperware bowls used for sorting laying around the house in every room.
Re: So I went to rehab.......

Sat Oct 01, 2011 9:37 am
by HoardCopperByTheTon
hirbonzig wrote:Some signals that you might be living with a copper cent addict...
1) He always has dirty finger tips.
2) You hear strange noises from the basement or garage at odd hours.
2a) Those sounds could be mechanical or most likley a maniacal laugh.
3) Little bits of coin roll paper on his shirt.
4) Tupperware bowls used for sorting laying around the house in every room.
Oh my.. I just realized I'm an addict!

Re: So I went to rehab.......

Sat Oct 01, 2011 3:50 pm
by PennyBoy
HoardCopperByTheTon wrote:hirbonzig wrote:Some signals that you might be living with a copper cent addict...
1) He always has dirty finger tips.
2) You hear strange noises from the basement or garage at odd hours.
2a) Those sounds could be mechanical or most likley a maniacal laugh.
3) Little bits of coin roll paper on his shirt.
4) Tupperware bowls used for sorting laying around the house in every room.
Oh my..
I just realized I'm an addict!

Just now?

Re: So I went to rehab.......

Sat Oct 01, 2011 7:48 pm
by CardsNCoins
Not me, I can quit anytime I want.
Re: So I went to rehab.......

Sat Oct 01, 2011 9:26 pm
by Rosco
I was able to Quit Smoking about 25 years ago but can't Quit on the Cents
If I Quit I'd have No
Re: So I went to rehab.......

Sun Oct 09, 2011 5:15 pm
by John_doe
I'll just buy one bag of the "stuff"

After all, I can quit anytime I want.

Re: So I went to rehab.......

Sun Oct 09, 2011 7:09 pm
by NotABigDeal
I'm no quitter....
Re: So I went to rehab.......

Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:43 am
by Siberous
Hello, My Name is Siberous- New to the site, forms and to Copper Hoarding, and I have a problem.
Re: So I went to rehab.......

Wed Oct 12, 2011 12:32 pm
by uthminsta
Welcome Siberous.
Re: So I went to rehab.......

Wed Oct 12, 2011 3:08 pm
by John_doe
Siberous wrote:Hello, My Name is Siberous- New to the site, forms and to Copper Hoarding, and I have a problem.
That was very brave of you to come forward like that, the first step toward recovery is admitting you have a problem.
Welcome to the board!
Re: So I went to rehab.......

Sat Oct 15, 2011 12:12 pm
by mongo
Some signals that you might be living with a copper cent addict...
1) He always has dirty finger tips.
2) You hear strange noises from the basement or garage at odd hours.
2a) Those sounds could be mechanical or most likley a maniacal laugh.
3) Little bits of coin roll paper on his shirt.
4) Tupperware bowls used for sorting laying around the house in every room
I laughed out loud when i read this. Why because its true its true. Its something that starts off as a little hobby but grows into well, I havent figured that part out yet. But I know like others on this forum I can quit any time I want to. But I just dont want to. There i admit it, I have a problem, but im ok, really im ok, i said im ok!!!!!!! Youll never take me alive never i say. Stay away from my banks all of you they are my banks and you cant go there stay away stay away I say. Wow i better go sort more coins im really feeling the pressure of all of this.
Re: So I went to rehab.......

Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:06 pm
by everything
I just went through the Whitman thing, I had already been saving pennies and a jar of the early quarter series years, but got a great deal on a whole box full of empty Whitman coin folders at a garage sale last summer, like 25 cents each. Well, since then I've filled up 12 folders, 5 #2's, 2 #3's, 3 50 states quarter folders, one a P&D set, and two half dollar sets as well. All through sorting, except for about $40 in wheats I bought at the coin shop, and the 1970D half which I paid $9 for as you can only get them from mint sets. I'm kind of in remediation with it all right now, but for me, at least right now, rehab is going out and buying a nice coin.