Greatwun wrote:I've recently been dumping about $60 in pennies at local TD penny aracade however would like to start searching dimes for silver. Now dimes can addup pretty and even though there is no limit to how many coins I can dump I just wanted to know if anyone here dumps large amounts at once and if there are any problems that can arise from this? On average how much do you guys dump at once, either penny arcade or re-wrapped rolls?
Well, it depends on how much I ate the previous night.
Seriously depends on if I'm dumping pre-counted coinlok bags or if I'm dumping at coin counters. For pre-counted bags: I was dumping as much as $2500, twice per week (I rec'd the cash immediately). For coin counters: recently, I would dump as much as $1200 per run, usually 4-5 runs per week (sometimes more). But now I'm spreading out my dumps more and have been sticking with $500-$700 per coin counter and dumping at multiple branches at two different banks.
If I think that I have too much coin so as to attract attention, then I will wrap some of my half dollars and return them at a dump bank that doesn't have a coin counter. If I return wrapped coin, then I try not to unload more than $600 at a single time. When I was dumping pre-counted bags, the managers didn't care how much I dumped; but I didn't want to wear out my welcome, so I still returned bags at four different branches.