first time sorting nickels and found...

Discussions pertaining to the investing in, collecting and saving of U.S. CuNi Nickels and Canadian Ni and CuNi Nickels, and other coins containing nickel. Put in your "5 cents" here.

first time sorting nickels and found...

Postby CtrlAltBernanke » Wed May 02, 2012 11:15 pm

Here is a pic of my findings. I got one 2009 D, thirteen pre 1960's and ten bison. Yeah I know, big whoop on bison's but I like them and I know people are hoarding them, and I think they will do well in about twenty years. I also think it's interesting that I found more pre 1960's than bison's. This was my first time sorting nickels and I kind of did it on a whim. I walked into a bank and they gave me $30 in nickels and went to a second bank and they gave me $16. I really can't believe I found a 2009 D. I've been doing this for almost a month now and I don't know how all of you do it but I've labeled mason jars for wheat pennies, Canadian pennies, pre 1960 nickels, etc. I didn't even label a mason jar for 2009's because I never thought I would get one. I think I'm definitely hooked on nickels now. There definitely seems to be more out there than half dollars. I went through $3,000 in halves and haven't found squat. I got so frustrated I returned the $4,000 haves I decided not to go through. That being said, there is a bank that I've gone to twice and have asked if they have any half rolls. The first time I got 14 rolls and found five 40% and today I grabbed $70 and found one 40%. So when it comes to nickels I am all in, I will stick to my routine for halves and just ask occasionally for rolls, and I'm pretty much all in for pennies too. I'll probably switch back and forth from pennies to nickels when I need a change of pace. Oh, almost forgot to mention the condition of the 2009. the stairs are still visible on Monticello however on the letters 'IN GOD WE' there seems to be a very subtle hint of corrosion. Anyway, just thought I would share.
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Re: first time sorting nickels and found...

Postby tulaneoutlaw » Wed May 02, 2012 11:35 pm

I've been sorting nickels lately too. After a few boxes I've gotten 4 war nickels, 2 buffalo nickels (the old ones, not the 2005 version), and lots of pre 1960s. I've been lucky enough to find 3 2009 d's. Today I found a 1938 d which is one of the key dates for the set. Strangely I also found my first foreign coin in a nickel box, a 20 cent Singapore coin. Glad to see a fellow nickel sorter. Keep at it, you're bound to find some cool stuff!
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Re: first time sorting nickels and found...

Postby CtrlAltBernanke » Wed May 02, 2012 11:39 pm

Yeah I think nickels are a no brainer and I found one bank that still has a coin counting machine. So every other week I will dump my nickels a that branch and then immediately drive to another branch to pick up a couple boxes.
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Re: first time sorting nickels and found...

Postby duane1966 » Sat May 05, 2012 7:30 am

I'm starting to like nickels better than pennies also.I've done $400 so far and found 6 indian head buffalo's (4 from the box I did yesterday) 2 wartime silver nickels and 2 2009's.I save all pre 1960 and the 2004 and 2005 Westward Journey nickels.I've done around $3000 in pennies but I think I'll be switching mostly to nickels from now on.I've done $500 in dimes (2 boxes) and found one silver dime and 2 canadian silver but it just gets so boring when they all look the same.With the pennies and nickels it seems like the variety makes it interesting.
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Re: first time sorting nickels and found...

Postby CtrlAltBernanke » Sat May 05, 2012 9:28 pm

All of my focus is on nickels right now and it isn't even funny. I definitely think sorting nickels is under rated and I hope it stays that way for a for a few more years. Out of all the forums in realcent's, Bullion Coins and Metals Investing, nickel has the least amount of posts and threads and I just don't get it. Maybe because people are focusing on pennies right now before they all go away which I do understand. For me I'm just collecting boxes of pennies and weighing them. I just return the lighter boxes to the banks and will focus on the heavier ones once I purchase a machine sorter. You can usually always find something in nickels and the ones that aren't special you can just throw in a bucket and so you can be ahead of the game when the steel nickels are released. Five to ten years from now when copper pennies drop to only 5-10% in some regions and completely dry up in others, nickels should be booming.
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Re: first time sorting nickels and found...

Postby SilverDragon72 » Sun May 06, 2012 8:44 pm

I sort both pennies and nickels. Just picked up a box of nickels this week, and plan on getting 4 penny boxes sometime next week. My upcoming nickel project will be collecting and sorting ALL nickels by decade and mint mark. One tube of EVERY kind if I can find them. My penny goal is to simply keep collecting the coppers as I get them. I set aside a whole shoe box worth of 2012's and will dump any more of them I get.

Oh, and did I mention the 1 oz. silver dragon ingot I picked up last week? :)
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Re: first time sorting nickels and found...

Postby adagirl » Sun May 06, 2012 9:04 pm

I fit into this crowd. I have felt that nickels are a sleeper right now. I sort pennies on a higher volume, and right now I am stacking nickels. I had a goal of stacking one box of nickels per week, but I haven't quite kept that pace. I do plan to crack the nickel boxes open and sort on day, but I want to grab as much Cu as I can while I can, so I just stack the nickels for now.
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Re: first time sorting nickels and found...

Postby SilverDragon72 » Fri May 11, 2012 7:19 pm

CtrlAltBernanke wrote:Here is a pic of my findings. I got one 2009 D, thirteen pre 1960's and ten bison. Yeah I know, big whoop on bison's but I like them and I know people are hoarding them, and I think they will do well in about twenty years. I also think it's interesting that I found more pre 1960's than bison's. This was my first time sorting nickels and I kind of did it on a whim. I walked into a bank and they gave me $30 in nickels and went to a second bank and they gave me $16. I really can't believe I found a 2009 D. I've been doing this for almost a month now and I don't know how all of you do it but I've labeled mason jars for wheat pennies, Canadian pennies, pre 1960 nickels, etc. I didn't even label a mason jar for 2009's because I never thought I would get one. I think I'm definitely hooked on nickels now. There definitely seems to be more out there than half dollars. I went through $3,000 in halves and haven't found squat. I got so frustrated I returned the $4,000 haves I decided not to go through. That being said, there is a bank that I've gone to twice and have asked if they have any half rolls. The first time I got 14 rolls and found five 40% and today I grabbed $70 and found one 40%. So when it comes to nickels I am all in, I will stick to my routine for halves and just ask occasionally for rolls, and I'm pretty much all in for pennies too. I'll probably switch back and forth from pennies to nickels when I need a change of pace. Oh, almost forgot to mention the condition of the 2009. the stairs are still visible on Monticello however on the letters 'IN GOD WE' there seems to be a very subtle hint of corrosion. Anyway, just thought I would share.

People are hoarding the bisons? Even with so many of them made? I like the design, and I will be saving several tubes of them as I find them!
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Re: first time sorting nickels and found...

Postby Shifty51 » Sat May 12, 2012 9:09 am

I searched my first two boxes of nickels yesterday. From the two boxes I pulled

52 - pre 1960's
23 - 2009's (22 D's and 1 P)
1 - War Nickel
1 - Canadian Nickel

Looks like nickels are an untapped resource in my area. I will definitely be getting more boxes...
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