Apparently 'feebay' has the deals lately on rolls of full date buffalo nicks. if anybody checks this post, this auction ends in 20 mins and seems like a steal ... 8463832788typically though, a roll of full date buffalo nicks (partial horns) seem to average $20-$25 a roll (good condition P,D,S mints). It seems be a luck of the draw kinda thing. You could get lucky and get a roll with a $5 nick. It seems generally people dont really search the buffalo nicks for the rare dates, etc. They tend to just group them and sell them by, date, partial date or no date. and if they are 'full horns'. The '3 legged' buffalo is one that stands out and is defintely worth saving, $100+ I think.
I see rolls of 'full horned' 'full dates' going for around $40 a roll. In contrast a roll of 'no date' go for $8. I think if your buying any your gonna wanna buy the ones with the visible date. I personally dont think paying for the 'full horns' is really justified at the price difference, but I could be wrong.
Individually an average date (visible) in good condition with partial horns seems to be going for .50 to .65 cents each. 'Full horn $1.20-ish'.
I know Numismatics coins in general have taken a 'hit' from the economy and may not be the best investment. But buffalo nicks may prove to be the expection, especially with their reasonable price range. Also considering theres VERY FEW in circulation. I assume this is because the design is so much different from any other nickel/coin and if your average person comes across one in their pocket change, they're likely to hold on to it.
just my .5 cents