by Recyclersteve » Mon Feb 27, 2017 12:23 am
SilverDragon72 wrote: It's fun to find a War nickel from time to time.
I was just thinking about something and that is this. I'd be excited to find something like a War nickel or Indian penny. Then I'd show it to my wife (or it could be someone at work). Inevitably, their response is "What is it worth?" My answer: "Maybe a buck or so, but they are really hard to find." I can just see the other person mentally calculating how much time I spent getting the coins, going through them and returning them. Thogey might have something to say about this, but perhaps that is why so many widows drop off their late husbands coins at the bank.
From a pure dollars and cents aspect, there are parts of this hobby that are hard to justify.
Former stock broker w/ ~20 yrs. at one company. Spoke with 100k+ people and traded a lot (long, short, options, margin, extended hours, etc.).
NOTE: ANY stocks I discuss, no matter how compelling, carry risk- often
substantial. If not prepared to buy it multiple times in modest amounts without going overboard (assuming nothing really wrong with the company), you need to learn more about the market and managing risk. Also, please research covered calls (options) and selling short as well.