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Found a 1937 D but not sure if it is 3 legged

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 6:33 pm
by Pennysaved
I frequently sort nickels and found a 1937 D nickel that appeared to be a 3 legged buffalo.

I took it to a coin dealer who at 1st told me all the legs were there but then I pointed out the area where you could not see the leg and he said he saw that but he thinks that the coin was doctored.

I know everyone will want pictures but I don't have a good camera that could focus on the detail to show you the buffalo.

Do you think it is worth taking the chance of sending it into a grading service? I figured I would just be out the grading money if it was fake.

I was thinking about ANACS since they have the economy service for $14 a coin with a 5 coin minimum.

Re: Found a 1937 D but not sure if it is 3 legged

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 7:21 pm
by bman
compare it to the one on this website;

Re: Found a 1937 D but not sure if it is 3 legged

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 11:00 pm
by galenrog
Ive looked at that page a lot, bman. Having found a few altered Buffs, I find it helpful to have it bookmarked on my smartphone, too. Haven't found the genuine article yet, but i did find another '25 Buff today, and a dateless.

Re: Found a 1937 D but not sure if it is 3 legged

PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 11:20 am
by Pennysaved
Thanks for that link; it was very helpful.

I don't think mine is legit based on the description in the article.