Silver, Gold Charts

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Silver, Gold Charts

Postby HelloMeteor » Fri Nov 05, 2010 4:52 pm

Where can I find charts that are up to date, like up to the last couple minutes, but that also go back many years?
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Re: Silver, Gold Charts

Postby Rodebaugh » Fri Nov 05, 2010 4:58 pm

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Re: Silver, Gold Charts

Postby HelloMeteor » Fri Nov 05, 2010 5:53 pm

Rodebaugh wrote:I am a fan of

I'm looking for charts that are up to date, like up to the last few minutes, AND the same chart showing months, and years in to the past.
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Re: Silver, Gold Charts

Postby appjoe » Fri Nov 05, 2010 7:16 pm

I really don't think any charts for previous and up to the minute prices will tell you anything. We are in a totally diff. ball game now and no one knows the rules. We have the fed messing with the dollar. Now China is in the game telling their citizens to buy PM that's a billion more people. Back in 79, 80 they weren't allowed to own PM. Industry now is using a lot more silver. I could go on and on. I think supply and demand charts would be better and to research all the markets for silver. Also back in 1980 I understand the Hunt brothers bought up silver forcing the price up then dumped it and caused the crash. Just my 2 cents worth, hey that's about how much our dollar is worth now. Silver will have to go a lot higher for me to sell, I'm still buying.
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Re: Silver, Gold Charts

Postby beauanderos » Fri Nov 05, 2010 9:40 pm

The Hunts didn't dump silver, they were forced to sell when the insiders at COMEX changed the rules on margin. Everyone likes to paint the Hunts as "cornering the market crooks," while in actuality they did nothing wrong.
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Re: Silver, Gold Charts

Postby Thogey » Fri Nov 05, 2010 9:58 pm

Maybe we should review what happened with the Hunt Bro's.

I believe thier physical silver was diluted with paper. I'm not sure exactly, but I know thier plan was screwed up by a rule change involving a change in the requirements to deliver.

Start a new thread Ray , and educate us. I know this situation is different, but I can't explain exactly why.
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Re: Silver, Gold Charts

Postby henrysmedford » Fri Nov 05, 2010 10:26 pm

Here is the story on the Hunts
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Re: Silver, Gold Charts

Postby appjoe » Sat Nov 06, 2010 12:00 am

The point I was trying to make is this is a totaly different market than in 1980. Today we are using silver in a ton of things from electronics to clothing even nano silver in washing machines. They even use silver to solder compressors in refrigerators and air conditioners because it is stronger than lead solder. There is a lot of unrecoverable silver being used up and now add a billion people in China using silver and investing in silver and gold that their goverment wouldn't allow before and now they are pushing it. The demand is growing fast and the supply is low. One thing the Hunt brothers did prove is how low the supply is. I'm going to keep buying. Tell me a better place to invest right now. I think silver will keep rising and $100 a oz isn't unrealistic. Thanks for the link on the Hunt brothers
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Re: Silver, Gold Charts

Postby henrysmedford » Sat Nov 06, 2010 8:52 am

Here is a easy to read chart on gold/silver ratio
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Re: Silver, Gold Charts

Postby agmoose » Sat Nov 06, 2010 9:25 am

Just a quick nod of agreement with APPJOE. The true value of silver isn't in just one market, it is used for many purposes and I also don't really think the true value of it or effect of its usage has been fully factored into the market. Once its used/consumed in certain applications, its gone forever. Once upon a time I told myself it if ever hit $25 I'd sell everything, well, current market conditions and trends killed that idea. I'm hoarding, buying what little I can afford and roll searching for the rest.
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