Fake gold and silver

This forum is for discussing hunting and collecting US and Canadian circulation Silver Bullion Coins, other types of minted bullion, and other types of precious and base metal investments other than Bullion Pennies and Nickels.

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Fake gold and silver

Postby Saabman » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:19 pm

A friend of mine sent this to me.......sounds a bit scary......

Wall Street Fraud Watchdog Warns All Precious Metals Investors All That Glitters May Not Be Gold It May Be A Counterfeit Chinese Made Gold Or Silver CoinPRWeb – 8 hrs agoEmail Share1PrintThe Wall Street Fraud Watchdog is in the business of investor protection, and or due diligence services for high net worth individuals. The group is now warning all US, or global precious metal investors to be extremely cautious about whom they do business with, when buying precious metals, or gold, and silver coins. The group says, "Ten percent of China's entire GDP comes from counterfeiting, and they are the worlds biggest player in counterfeit gold, and silver coins. These Chinese made gold, or silver coins for all intents, and purposes are worthless, and what worries us is the Chinese counterfeit gold, or silver coins, are frequently good enough to fool even experts. In one instance we have a Chinese counterfeiter of US Silver Dollars, bragging about the fact that his operation produces 100,000+ per year, and this is just one counterfeiter. We are warning all US, or precious metal bar, or precious investors worldwide to not buy precious metal bars, or gold, and or silver coins on the Internet, or from dealers without the absolute best reputations, and a money back guarantee for their product's authenticity." http://WallStreetFraudWatchdog.Com

(PRWEB) December 12, 2011 The Wall Street Fraud Watchdog is warning US, or global investors of precious metals, or gold, and or silver coins to extremely cautious about buying precious metal bars, or coins from just anyone. The group says, "There is a lot more money in counterfeiting gold, or silver coins, than selling cocaine, or heroin, and we think Chinese made precious metals knock offs have the potential of being a gigantic financial disaster for investors worldwide. A good chunk of the Chinese economy depends on counterfeiting, the Chinese do not care about who their counterfeits hurt, and we are saying buyer beware, this is a really, really big problem, and given the economic problems in China, we think the problem is about to get much worse." http://WallStreetFraudWatchdog.Com The Wall Street Fraud Watchdog's suggestions as to how investors avoid getting stuck with counterfeit precious metal bars, or precious metal coins: Do not buy precious metal bars, or precious metal coins on the Internet, or on Internet auction web sites. Only buy precious metal bars, or precious metal coins from the most reputable dealers, that have been in business for at least five years, and that have a money back guarantee on the authenticity of their precious metal products. Do not buy precious metals, or gold, and or silver coins at flea markets, swap meets, or from strangers. At some point even smaller precious metals, or precious metal coin dealers, that up until now had a great reputation will start selling Chinese counterfeits because the profit potential is so great. The Wall Street Fraud Watchdog says, "Just to make the point about the profitability of Chinese counterfeit silver, or gold coins, from what we understand, you can buy a Chinese counterfeit American Eagle gold coin in China for about ten US Dollars. Take the coin back to the US, and sell it on the Internet for $1500. That's a profit of $1490. Bring in 100 of these knock offs from China & you just made a profit of $149,000 US."The Wall Street Fraud Watchdog says, "We are certain there are already victims out there, who actually think the bag of silver US Dollars, they just spent thousands for on the Internet are actually worth something. The Chinese counterfeiting coin, or precious metals disaster is going to end bad for lots of people, and we are praying people wake up, before they throw their money away for nothing. We are huge fans of all investors having a portion of their portfolio in precious metals, or coins. Please take our advice, and only deal with the most reputable of precious metal dealers, who also offer a money back guarantee on the authenticity of their products." http://WallStreetFraudWatchdog.Com.
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Re: Fake gold and silver

Postby jasmatk » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:01 pm

and the higher the price goes the worse its gonna get.Its pretty bad when you have to avoid buying pms from an entire counrty.

"where did you get this gold?"

"from china want to buy some from me?"

" :lol: :lol: :lol: no thanks "
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Re: Fake gold and silver

Postby beauanderos » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:11 pm

Dagnabbit... I was just about to answer the ad from szechaungold.com listing. Hey... wouldn't this be a cool way for the govt to pass an audit at Fort Knox? As long as no one looked too closely?

Thanks for posting the link. As they've said all along... if it sounds too good to be true, it is. The problems will just snowball when Chinese tongs and triads start opening up accounts on ebay from American addresses. All they would have to do is sell a few genuine pieces to build a bit of credibility and then they could go to town on the unsuspecting.

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Re: Fake gold and silver

Postby Diggin4copper » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:00 pm

Most Humble greeting Mr Beau..\ my name is Sonj Hyodasan.. I am a Chinese national of Longdong province in Guanjeauo.. Recently a client of mine inherited 100 China Panda gold coins from a relative in your country. Being a Buddist Monk, my client cannot take posession of these coins, I would ask your most gracious help in helping a poor monk send money to his family in Longdong. I would ask if I could meet you and sell the coins of much value to you for 1/2 the gold price. Your reward will take the coins and resell them for much profit. I look forward to a Mutual of Omaha benefit ................your humble servant Sonj
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Re: Fake gold and silver

Postby beauanderos » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:17 pm

Diggin4copper wrote:Most Humble greeting Mr Beau..\ my name is Sonj Hyodasan.. I am a Chinese national of Longdong province in Guanjeauo.. Recently a client of mine inherited 100 China Panda gold coins from a relative in your country. Being a Buddist Monk, my client cannot take posession of these coins, I would ask your most gracious help in helping a poor monk send money to his family in Longdong. I would ask if I could meet you and sell the coins of much value to you for 1/2 the gold price. Your reward will take the coins and resell them for much profit. I look forward to a Mutual of Omaha benefit ................your humble servant Sonj

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Fake gold and silver

Postby currencydebasement » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:51 am

I've had a troubling amount of fake foreign "junk silver" come through my hands. None of it was purchased from China and most of them I believe to be contemprorary fakes. I know there was a famous counterfeiter of Australian Florins, I have received at least two fake Florins, I just avoid them now. I am suspect of most large silver coins and really scrutinize them.
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