by OneBiteAtATime » Sat Jan 14, 2012 7:26 pm
Lol. Right before TPTB took the site down I had a whole thing typed up. It was friendly and informative. I'm not typing that again, so this will be breif and direct.
CB - we don't know you. Why not go over to member intro's and introduce yourself. When you have 10 posts up you can start buying and selling in the Realcent Marketplace. If this is going to be your first transaction, most of us would ask you to ship first or we could both send to an established member to complete the deal. There are some folks out there who aren't honest, and we just like to protect ourselves.... a little bit.
Oh! And by the by. Welcome to Realcent!
"pray like everything depends on God and prepare like everything depends on you." -shinnosuke
"It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men."- Sam Adams
"Thanks to God that he gave me stubborness when I know I am right." - John Adams