A bit of disturbing news

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A bit of disturbing news

Postby neilgin1 » Thu Nov 11, 2010 9:21 am

I recently found a website, "The Daily Bell", seemingly sober minded individuals in Switzerland.

Perused the sight, didnt discern any tin foil hats, and i came upon this article:


good article, but the thing that gave me pause was one of the comments by a "George Sign" at 7:16 AM on 9 Nov:

"Re my previous posts about the imminent collapse of the Dollar. The USA military are doing an exercise based on the collapse of the Dollar. Listen to Jim Rickards interview"

here's that interview:

i sure hope i'm not breaking any forum rules, but what Rickards was talking about is a yearly military exercise called "Unified Quest 2011".

so i googled it, and the first two entries were dot mil, but my computer gave me a warning not to proceed, a bit unsettling.

maybe its nothing, but.......maybe it is something.

Mod's, if i was out of line, lemme know.
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Re: A bit of disturbing news

Postby Devil Soundwave » Thu Nov 11, 2010 10:04 am

Interesting. I shall look at this in detail when I get home.
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Re: A bit of disturbing news

Postby beauanderos » Thu Nov 11, 2010 2:48 pm

https://unifiedquest.army.mil/ looks like military planning and preparedness for just about any scenario they can imagine.
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Re: A bit of disturbing news

Postby AGCoinHunter » Thu Nov 11, 2010 2:59 pm

so i googled it, and the first two entries were dot mil, but my computer gave me a warning not to proceed, a bit unsettling.

You just got a security certificate warning. Means you dont have the certificate installed to your machine. Got the same thing.
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Re: A bit of disturbing news

Postby cesariojpn » Thu Nov 11, 2010 7:46 pm

Probably some tin foil hat nutjob going gaga over something he found while trying to track down the movements of "FEMA Death Trains" and location of "FEMA Concen....erm, I mean Happy Camps."
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